Monday, August 18, 2008

Ashley is Happy

I got a book in the mail from Amazon from my boss today.

Do you even know how much I love that? That I get to take a long bath, read a good book, and call it work tonight?

Have I bragged enough about how happy I am about this job? You guys were so right with that "everything happens for a reason" nonsense, annoying as it was at the time. It's just so perfect for me and I'm just so excited about it.

There isn't one part of it that I'm dreading or wishing I didn't have to do. I keep waiting for something awful about it to surface, but I don't think it will. I think I have actually found a kick ass company and super cool bosses and a really fun job. My phone anxiety has even diminished, it's amazing how easy phone calls are to make when there is virtually no chance of someone on the other end freaking out and yelling at you. Real estate people yell. A lot. I can't imagine too many situations that would cause yelling in this new job. That feels so good!

I actually LOOK FORWARD to making calls so I can check more off of my to do lists.

Yay me! Even with all of this rain, and the gloom of the hurricane shutters, I am HAPPY. About work, at that!

I just had to say it loud because I'm bursting with it. I also need to thank you all for putting up with me through unemployment and the interview process, I know it wasn't always easy ;-)


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you! You deserve this, they're lucky to have your genius self.

Anonymous said...

I'll forgive you for being so happy if you forward me an application to this Utopian organizaion....and a reference letter.

Susan in Texas

Melodie said...

Yeah... I'm with Susan in TX. Didn't you say you had hiring authority? Anything available for me?

Multislacking Mama said...

Word! That's awesome!


Anonymous said...

We are just so stinking happy for you and you definitely deserve this!!! You go girl!

Joy said...

That is awesome I am so glad now hopefully Fay will go the Hell away!!

Maddness of Me said...

It's so good to see somebody who is that happy about their job. Work is such a huge part of your life that if you can be happy doing it, well then everything else is cake.

It's helps alot to be working from home. That is an added security blanket.

Jamie P said...

That is just awesome! And I am so curious as to what this amazing job is!!!

Glad everything is going well, Ashley.

Mitch said...

Hey! I'm happy for you -- that is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Damn. I am jealous.

This is my first comment, by the way.


From BBC, August O6 :)

Unknown said...

Hey Diann! Long time no see!

Things I May Regret Writing said...

I am so excited for you that you found this job. It gives me hope that there's a rainbow and a pot of gold for even me. -Lilly

Ami said...

Huge congrats! I love seeing people so happy and excited about work. How is Mr. Ashley's job going?

Katie Ryan said...

I'm so happy for you. I love reading about how great things are working out. Keep me updated.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, remember a few months ago when things weren't quite so cheery in the closet due to your husband losing his job? Look how things have changed for you. Im really happy for you all.

It gives me hope that things might look up for us, too.

Anonymous said...

I am really, really soooooo happy for you, Ash. It really was meant to be & you will be phenomenal at this job. Your boss is going to love you more than she could ever imagine.

It really was made for you, and I'm so happy you got the job. :)