I don't want to go to your Mona Vie tasting party, I don't want to buy kitchen utensils from you, I don't want to buy food from you, I don't want to buy home decor from you, I don't want to buy purses from you, I don't want to buy makeup or skin care stuff from you, I don't want to buy stamping or scrapbooking supplies from you, I don't want to buy candles from you.
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT invite me to a "party" and then tell me that I have to sit and listen to boring stuff and/or buy stuff at said party. That does not equal a party to me, it equals a sales presentation.
I will consider GOOD QUALITY knock off purses, perused at my leisure with no pressure and I'll almost never turn down a sex toy party because that's just plain fun.
Let's just have parties because we like each other and not because we want to profit off of each other.
Ashley Quite Frankly
I LOVE this... and I couldn't agree more!!!
I love those parties but then again I'm a shopping fool. Plus I'll take any excuse for drinking wine with friends!
You forgot one- they have parties for cleaning supplie! Eek! You can't put "cleaning" and "party" together. You clean before a party, and after a party, but not DURING a party.
Oh my god yes. This is no longer a problem, but for a while there I had girlfriends constantly inviting me to "parties" to buy shit I don't want or need. And they would use the guilt "You should come! I haven't seen you in so long." OK, then just invite me over and leave out the sales pitch please.
How about some Tupperwear? I didn't see that on the list.
If it vibrates?
Thank you, Ashley! This is pretty much the standard reply (in my head at least) when I get those stupid invitations.
Yep, ITA. That's great that you've found a way to bring in a little income while you stay home with your kids. But why does your income have to come from the pockets of your friends and acquaintances? Seriously, this is your big plan? To take money from my pocket and put it into yours? The last time I went to one of these parties, I told the hostess that I really didn't need more of this kind of stuff in my house (it was spa products), I was actually trying to declutter and get down to basics, not add more shit that I didn't need. Then I suggested that I just give her $10 for hosting the party, and she seemed a little offended. Lol. She would have no problem taking my $10 if I was buying $100 worth of bullshit, right? So just take my $10 and let's be done with it. (This was about 5 years ago and I barely knew the woman, we worked together and I was totally tricked into thinking she was inviting me to a work party to get to know people better. I haven't been tricked like that since.....)
-The Renee
Seems like you hear from friends you haven't heard from in ages when they start selling stuff. I agree it would be nice to just be social without the pressure.
I don't mind going to the "party" if it's a product that I am already interested in buying. Of course, if I'm not, I let the hostess know that I don't want to come because I'm not interested. If she still insists that I should come anyway, I make sure she knows that I will not be buying anything so don't even try to push me.
OMG! I am so with you on this!! I HATE those kinds of parties!! It's crazy!!!
What about jewelry! You didn't mention that.
p.s. we call them "shows" instead of parties b/c we are just showing you what's in style ;)
Oh Ashley, I hate hate hate those parties. I ALWAYS get guilted in to going and feel claustorphobic and bitter THE WHOLE TIME I'M THERE AND I ALWAYS F'N BUY SOMETHING COZ I F'N FEEL BAD IF I DON'T. Stop inviting me too!
I usually don't comment but that one deserves a big AMEN!
I LOATHE those parties and avoid them at any cost. I did just got to a Tastefully Simple party recently by a dear friend but was annoyed the entire time....then the hostess left and the rest of us polished off a crapload of margaritas so all was forgiven, for now.
My fave is when they try to recruit you to have a party or even better become a company rep and "present" the parties.....um no thanks. I would rather sell myself on the corner than do such a thing.
I spoke too soon from my boredom. I like buying jewelry and stuff for the house, I don't like processed foods, "spa" products (I'm a product snob) and juice? Bleh.
Unless there are going to be fun fake penises (peni?), do not invite me. If I need any other type of product, I can find it cheaper online.
Ummm...I'm confused...do I love The Renee now??
'Cause I'm thinkin I do.
Totally agree with The Renee! T don't go to those parties at all. Ever. I like to say "no" to things like that. Oh, the sense of power and control.
Amen sister!! Why not just feed me then let's go to the mall. But sex toy parties are fun! Because you would not want to be caught at a sex toy store.
I *hate* these things. I *hate* that I have to turn them down because I'm not going to any of these damn things.
Oh yeah. Hate the parties. The Husband hates the parties. He knows that if I go, and I try not to, that I WILL drink their wine, WILL listen to their presentation and WILL bring home some expensive-ass candle that we did not need. I went to one recently where the hostess mixed the energy drink that she was trying to pawn off, with a little vodka for her sales pitch? Really?!?! In my circle, we call that Red Bull and I do not have to order it by the case from some pyramid scheme.
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