I am so tired.
But also so happy! Shit people, this job is freaking amazing. It's a little intimidating how much they trust me with all of this responsibility. They are trusting me with money and hiring decisions and all judgment calls. It is astounding. They are also not only accepting of my photography business, they are willing to provide some amazing opportunities.
They're also all super nice and seriously smart. I'm impressed that I was hired.
I wore a cute Ann Taylor collared blouse that I got on sale for $10. It had short squeezing sleeves and was blue silk and buttoned up the front. I felt a little like a fat man in a little coat when I stretched my arms out in front of me, but I had no reason to stretch my arms out like that other than to test the squeeziness of the arms (which I did several times, because I'm a freak like that).
It had sort of a deep V before the buttons started and at one point I caught my boss looking at my chest a couple of times. I was starting to wonder if she was checking out my bewbies or what, so I glanced down and there was no cleavage showing or anything so I just sort of forgot about it and thought she was a little odd.
Sure enough, I get home after dinner, look in the mirror and a freaking button was unbuttoned. Fuck. How long was it like that? At least since 3pm but how much longer before that? Cute Ash, real cute.
My pants were these fan-freakin-tastic black with black pinstripe Ann Taylor trousers that I got on sale for $40 down from $150. They fit me like they were made for me; they were comfortable, they were the perfect length, fully lined...they felt like $150 pants.
Sure enough, I got home after dinner, took them off and noticed that I left the tags on.
How freaking hopeless am I? I am not fit for the public, I tell you. Luckily the tags were definitely inside my pants and my shirt was not tucked in, so no one saw, but still. Damn. It definitely put a chip in my ultra-confident, oh-so-executive armor. And now I just told thousands of people.
Oh well, she liked me, boobies and all.
So tomorrow will be another all day affair and then the bosses will go back up north and set me loose on the world. I will be working from home. I will be online a lot. So things with us should be fine, I don't want anyone freaking out, I know today must have sucked for you all.
Just think, we're another step closer to the Ashley's Closet cruise!
I have left my tags on several times in the last few months!!!
LOL about the tags and the button! Glad your new job is great!
Fabulous! Even dead tired you still make me laugh!
Good luck with another long day.
too bad no one saw the tags. you would be like those kids who leave the sticker tags on their baseball caps. hardcore bargain ladyz represent!
I've gotten home from an event that I bought a new outfit for only to find the tags still attached, too. Luckily, most of those things are on the inside of the clothes these days, so no one was the wiser.
I'm glad you had an almost perfect first day. Tomorrow will be just as great, I'm sure. Can't wait to hear all about it!
What's this? No waiting for you to approve our comments? Does that mean you really are too busy for us now?
Congrats on an awesome job. How was LK first day with the sitter?
Glad to hear you had a good day. First days at new jobs suck. I've experienced more than I needed to in the past year.
I read your blog all the time and was inspired to start one of my own (yep, just like everyone else!) I am one of the lazy heifers who never comments. My bad. Great job on the blog!
Sucks to be them!!!
Glad the first day went well. You'll do great!
Oh, I'm glad you had a good first day! How did little kid do at daycare?
Yeah, today sucked for us... but glad it went well for you!!
Glad that it was soo good. I'm not, in any way, shape or form, ready to be let out into the public arena, so yay for you! representing and all that.
How did lk do at 'da good house'?
Good luck today! Have you checked buttons and tags....and then checked them again?
middle of nowhere, Ireland
I want to hear how lk was at daycare, too. :)
Glad your day went so well, though - missed buttons and hanging tags and all!
since Ashely is too tired, I will respond by telling you that LK won't start daycare until BK goes to school next week. They both spent the day with me (Gram) and we all survived! LK was very good and we swam, kissed and washed the horse, swam again, watched lots of TV (thank God for TV), played on the computer and LK got to expolore the second floor of the house for the first time in his life. (never wanted to chase him up and down stairs but he can handle it now), did alot of eating and then Gramps came home to wrestle, chase and play with. LK fell asleep on his feet around 5PM-literally! Mr. Ashley picked them up on his way home and we all survived the day! Ashley's friend, LK has them today as I go off to work-good luck LK!
I'm sure you could have totally rocked the tags, even if they had been showing :)
okay, the tags thing is not so bad....I have worn 2 different shoes to work (both black, but not a pair) and walked around with that LONG sticker that says the size down the back of your leg on pants. Perfect now EVERYONE knows your a size 16! I was BIGGER then
Faaaabulous! So glad you had a great day! Boobs, tags and all! (Totally sounds like something I would do... As does the stretching of the arms just to feel how tight the sleeves get. Wtf is up with us?)
You totally deserve this and you're a freaking genius. They will continue to love you.
As a devout message leaver, I'd like a room with a balcony! I also say there should be a welcome party with lots of booze the first night on our Ashely's Closet Cruise! ;-)
BTW, we just love you mom. You're surely a fabulous gran and those kids are so lucky to have you! Glad you survived the day. I'm sure you had the sharpies all out of reach!
Sounds like a great job. Welcome to the world of WAHMs!
Yeah! I'm glad you like the job. I'm penciling in the cruise as soon as the dates are announced.
Congratulations on a fab first day! (Now I have Chris Farley's voice in my head singing, "Fat man in a LITTLE coooooaaaaaat...Fat man in a LITTLE coooooaaat...")
And yay for Mom and LK surviving ;)
I love the update from your Mom. Thanks for keeping us informed while Ashley is working hard!
Note-to-yourself; Everytime one goes to the bathroom take the time to check one's self out in the mirror. Button-check!
Too funny but classic Ashley.
Thanks for the update Mom, I was wondering the same thing about lk.
xo Catfish
So happy it worked out today...who wouldn't love the Ashley!
Better luck today with the wardrobe....but really, who can blame you. Being home does not help with clothing options, right.
I'm glad it was a good day even with the clothing issues! Good Luck on Day #2~
I wonder why she didn't just tell you that you had a button undone? I actually love pointing that stuff out.
Ever see that Tide pen commercial where the spot is talking while he's trying to talk? Cracks me up every time. Was your undone button talking?
Sometimes it works out to leave your tags on the first time you wear something, in case it doesn't fit as well as you thought and you want to take it back.
I'm just sayin' ;)
In this case the deal was too good to bother. I need to shop with you.
OMG! Too funny, Ashley! Sounds like something I would do! The new job sounds super cool and fun and I think you'll do wonderfully at it.
Oh I am so glad all went well with the new job and Gram came to the rescue with the kiddos.
I assume that the new daycare lady has not found the closet yet and she is still up for keeping lk.
Hope today goes well and you don't have any wardrobe malfunctions:)
Hey, I'm a frequent reader and have posted anonymously a few times. I have jumped on the blog bandwagon and listed you in my blog roll. Not sure if their is some kind of blog protocal or something, just thought I'd let you know. I enjoy your blog and can totally see you writing a book.
Good Luck at the new job.
Oh, Ashley I am so thrilled for you!! Having a job you love is priceless. How was daycare today?
Glad you'll be working from home most of the time; it might be hard to keep up with the superior outfit choices.
Yeah for you and yeah for LK doing so well and grandma's house!
I'm also not meant for life outside of my house. I can only imagine the havoc I might cause with my inner self if I attempted a job in the real world.
Now excuse me while I go hide under my bed.
Really, I wasn't looking at your boobies... I was checking out your bra :)
Your boss lady.
PS. - Sorry, if I was supposed to, I didn't. though I'm happy to find another with sun damage - I mean freckles.
Oh, I also never noticed the undone button -- I was kind of wasted by 3:00 pm too, but I was curious to why the waiter seemed to be lingering over you..
Boss Lady
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