Monday, August 11, 2008



Life, Love And Lola said...

I can't stop laughing. I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing! Probably not quite as funny to you...But that's fucking funny.

Anonymous said...

*Cracks up* oh my goodness.

Anonymous said...

He looks so pleased with himself! Lol - it is pretty funny from this perspective... Love the label.


Lynda Kay said...

there's that shit-eating grin we know & love..what a punk!

Jennifer said...

Have mercy.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Me again. I laughed about this picture my whole drive home from work. I can totally understand now why BK is your favorite!

The Nester said...

thank you

kelly bee said...

Same thing happened here last summer, but somehow on carpet. And the vacuum broke trying to suck it up and started just grinding it in. Good times.

Anonymous said...

that is the cutest face. so proud of himself.

oh and, who the heck drinks anything but community coffee! maybe he's trying to tell you something ;)

Jess said...

LOL. I'm impressed you grabbed a camera. That face is priceless.

Love the label. Still no takers, huh? Maybe you shouldn't show prospective providers that picture.

Ami said...

I love his pleased expression! How do you get angry with that?

Anonymous said...

LMAO - the ebull twin of Juan Valdez!

Anonymous said...

He is such a little stinker. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Look at that guilty face! He is a mess.

jenn said...

What a little ... helper?

Melodie said...

He's so proud of himself! So, adorable. It's obvious why you haven't killed him yet - When he does shit like that, he's still too freakin' cute!


Yeah, I see military school in your future. Maybe one of them has a daycare program that you could enroll him in now?

Mama Bee said...

Like others mentioned, isn't it irritating when they are so cute but do stuff so bad?! Did you laugh or keep a straight face? I have the worst time keeping my "No, No, I'm really mad at you know" face on when Bee does crap like that!

Anonymous said...

how. freaking. adorable.

i'm curious as to what your reaction was. I think I would have laughed, but then again, I don't have a little kid (or a big kid for that matter) in my home and I didn't have to clean up the mess.

Anonymous said...

Just a side note. Did you know that you have "wiener" mispelled in your header? 'ei' is the place. 'ie' is the hotdog/sausage/whatever. Just lettin' ya know!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but that is freaking hilarious.

I know it won't be so funny when it happens to me thought.

Maddness of Me said...

Girl, you let him eat coffee? That's why he is so hyper!


Maddness of Me said...

is he snorting that coffee?

Multislacking Mama said...

He is SO STINKIN CUTE he could get away with anything at my house.

Ship him first class to Oklahoma. I would nom him up.


Anonymous said... he wasn't so cute he would definitely have to find a new home!

Mama H said...

Hey Ashley... I'm not sure how high your standards are for lk's new daycare... what about this one? I bet the tuition isn't that high!


Unknown said...

He looks so happy with his "accomplishment." Too adorable how can you get upset with a face like that?

Sasha said...

He and WC would tear the world apart together, one pantry at a time.

Can we betroth them? (I am 100% sure I spelled that wrong)

Joy said...

Seriuously, he is too freaking cute and it is a good thing.

but he should probably lay off the coffee I hear it can cause hyperactivity.

Melodie said...

I showed this pic to my husband to see what he thought about "boarding" him for you. He said that no kid who abuses precious coffee would be welcome in his house. LOL!

absurdly yours said...

Okay another mouth of diet dr. pepper spewed on my monitor. I can't get over how funny this picture is. He looks so proud!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Becs

Mrs. Schmitty said...

OMG! That's the funniest, cutest picture I have every seen! How could you be mad at a face like that?!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

How cute - he can come over and make me coffee anytime ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh My...I don't have one of those...are they pricey??

Anonymous said...

Big mess--yes. Absolutely adorable kid--heck yes!

Wow...that's the cutest smile I've seen in a loong time. He's knows he's cute, doesn't he? lol!

Anonymous said...

I've said many time that Celia is lucky she's so cute.

My advice...hide the flour. Lock it up. It's hard to clean up from every crack crevice of your kitchen.

momtoabean said...

I always forget out little/young he is until you post a picture. He is way advanced in the evil department :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I can relate!

Unknown said...

ROFL. Honest. And hurt myself. Not as flexible as I used to be. and I don't bounce as good.

Maddness of Me said...

I'm not sure when this happened, but Philosophy has discontinued Lemonade.

They have a product that is a lemon shower gel only but I haven't tried it yet.

Maybe you knew this but I didn't and was bummed.

Unknown said...

No Kimberly!! NO!!! My birthday is coming up and I'm all out. This is totally unacceptable. I'm going to research now and WILL be writing a letter to Philosophy later if need be. I'm not just saying that this time, I'll really write one. I am pissed just thinking about the possibility.

Maddness of Me said...

I was afraid you didn't know.

I will send you an unused one that I have. It's my birthday present to you.

I am weird that way, I stock up on things like a depression is coming.

Anonymous said...

Love the pic, Ashley!!

You've been tagged! Get the details from my blog...


Anonymous said...

He's so stinking adorable! My 1 year old has those same shorts. They're too cute. Now I need LK's shirt to go with it. ;-)

Amy said...

As my grandmother would have said: "Ornery as cat shit."

Fluffy Windover said...

Oh my god, that kid. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if it's the same thing, buy QVC still has philosophy in lemonade. Search for item #A17116

Faye said...

i love this picture! Your kid and my kid look alike, seriously.. and yours has so much hair! not fair! lucky on the shot! i would never have time, mine would run form the scene!