Dude, we liked the idea of a chick, but not just ANY chick.
So this inexperienced nobody could be one skipped 72 year old heartbeat from being our President??
Leave it up to a rich old guy to choose a younger, good looking assistant. I had a job like that once. I wasn't qualified for it either.

My thoughts EXACTLY.
I think he is trying to appeal to our demographic (the mommy crowd) and thinks he's giving us someone who's "like us" and we'll relate more. Yeah, I totally relate to a sport fishing, NRA card carrying former beauty queen. Off to grill me a big old moose steak and donate to Obama.
Oh, Ashley, I disagree with you on so many points on this one, but, have to admit.....that "campaign poster" is stinkin' hilarious!
Amen sister! Not a wise move.
She has more executive experience than all the other candidates COMBINED. For goodness sake, Obama only had 144 days as a senator before he started campaigning for president. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR DAYS. talk about inexperienced!
And FYI....MANY MANY Hillary supporters are now voting McCain BECAUSE of his choice for VP. Woohoo!
She's a first term governor, formerly the mayor of a town of 8500 people.
She's against listing polar bears as endangered because it would endanger oil drilling.
She's already being investigated in a corruption scandal.
She would be PERFECT for Bush's third term. They WISH Hilary voters were dumb enough to vote for anything with boobs.
Does mayor of a town of 7,000 really count as experience? Does anyone know-did the town have street lights?
McCain choosing a relatively inexperienced virtually unknown running mate over the better candidates for the job proves that the nomination has more to do with her being a woman than a politician.
Pretty irresponsible, IMO.
Loved the pic!!
He shoulda picked the Mormon! At least that guy knows how to run a business!!
Sorry, Ashley, I have to disagree with you on this one. I think she's a great choice, and it was a very smart move on McCain's part. Palin is no more inexperienced than Obama, but the difference here is that Obama is running for the #1 spot, and Palin is running for the #2 spot. SO, if the Republicans win the election, we'll have someone inexperienced running the country if and only if McCain kicks the bucket; If the Democrats win, we'll have someone inexperienced running the country from day one.
Let's face it...had he nominated a relatively unknown man who only had 2 years of large-scale political experience, he would have been laughed off the ticket. This absolutely is a hail-mary pass in the hopes that Hilary supporters will only notice she's a girl. Please!! It's offensive and demeaning...juat one more reason that the GOP has lost so many people.
For someone who has screamed about Obama's so called lack of experience since Day 1, it certainly was an interesting choice, especially since he had so many options with experience.
It seems like a hack-ish/publicity stunt way to get votes instead of building the most solid team possible to gear up for running a country.
I love what I've heard about her so far! Pro-life, pro 2nd amendment, social conservative, fiscal conservative - I think it was more a move to please the right wing since he tends toward the middle.
The fact that she hasn't been corrupted by Washington actually works in her favor. I'm impressed with her and the fact that she has stood up to the big guys. This is a testament to McCain's commitment to change.
I don't want a hockey mom for prez.
Of course part of the reason she was chosen was because she is a woman but you have to remember how many people in this country will vote for someone just based on gender, race, age, or political party and don't know anything about a candidate's actual political views. So it's understandable that the candidates would want to choose running mates that would bring in votes and I don't think that should be held against them as long as the running mates are otherwise qualified. That being said I think Paulin is a great choice and will balance out McCain well. Just wondering how come all the Obama people who want change are so quick to attack a fresh face?
I'm all for a fresh face, I just don't think a female Bush Boy is so fresh.
The "hockey mom" thing turned me off a bit too. I don't see a hockey mom going head to head with powerful leaders of other countries. Women still aren't respected in many parts of the world.
Hilary still had big enough balls to keep the good ol' boys in line, I don't think Palin does.
And don't get me wrong, as a woman I do admire her. Five kids, one with down syndrome, and a political career? That's impressive. I might not even be as frightened if McCain was younger and in better health. There really is a chance that his VP choice could become president and we need strength, not just change.
I think it is smart move on his part but she will not be getting my vote. I am not retarded enough to vote for someone like her just because she has a uterus. I LOVE the poster! That is hilarious!! So perfect! I am not a fan of any of candidates and I really doubt any of them will be getting my vote. Maybe one day will we have a president who can actually do the job. That person will be the one to get my vote.
The poster summed up my thoughts on the whole thing!
"She would be PERFECT for Bush's third term. They WISH Hilary voters were dumb enough to vote for anything with boobs."
my thoughts EXACTLY!!!
It's only a political strategy to get all the woman who were gonna vote for Hillary to vote for McCain. Ridiculous!!!
And I freaking LUV your poster!!!
u r a genius!
I had tears in my eyes when I read this post. It is so bad but so good.
It's just a shame Anna Nicole isn't here to be voted in. I'd for sure vote McCain in if Anna Nicole were to be the VP.
I love that poster. I find myself hoping that some sort of internet porn or girls gone wild scandal emerges surrounding Palin, just so we can all stop pretending she's a serious and reasonable choice.
I would have happily voted for Hillary, and will gladly vote for Obama. Just don't you dare think I'm so dim as to say, "Oh she's a girl, jut like I am!" And cast my vote without looking at what she's done. Or, in this case, hasn't done.
I get so insulted when I hear that he selected her to attract the women votes. Like us women are so stupid that we will vote for somebody because they have boobies.
The scary and selfish part is that McCain is 72 years old and has had cancer. No, I'm not in favor of ageism but do the math. Alaska has the GNP (Gross National Product) the size of Oakland County Michigan. And McCain has done nothing but harp on Obama's experience! It's such a pathetic political move.
At least Obama picked somebody who he has worked with and whose experience he trusts. McCain... picked this MILF after meeting her twice. Twice. OMG. If people don't wake up after this I don't know what to think.
I am certain that Biden will chew her up and spit her out in debates though. I actually feel bad for her from that standpoint. She has no clue what she is in for. Her first questions... "so what does the VP do anyway?"
Comparing her experience to Obama's is irrelevant. 18 million people have said they want Obama to be the next President. One man selected Palin to be his VP. We are allowed to question her experience without being accused of "dismissing" her experience. I'm not dismissing anything, I'm just wondering if she is the best person to run our country if McCain kicks the bucket? Or is she just the best person to run on his ticket and help him get elected? I lost a lot of respect for McCain with this choice of Palin - I used to think he was a true Statesman who put his country first, but if that were true, he would not be so careless and risk putting his country in the hands of Sarah Palin if he dies. Sarah Palin as the leader of the Free World? After her experience in the PTA, city council and mayor of a SMALL town, and governor of a state with a population of under 700,000? Scary.
-The Renee, a Christian who is voting Democrat this year
I'm hoping that is a trend (and it appears to be)... that people see what is happening and lose respect for McCain. The "polls" we keep hearing about are confusing until you figure out that it's the state by state polls that are really important and Obama actually has more electoral votes predicted. 18 million people behind Obama isn't what matters (the popular vote). We have learned that the hard way.
I think it is important to look at her experience because if McCain gets elected, she is likely to be president in the not too distant future. Holy crap. He does not look well at all to me and his health record is scary. Not that I would ever vote Republican anyway, but it has surprised me how many will no matter what.
Deep down I think a landslide is coming for Obama though and I'm pretty happy. The more I look at his resume the more hope I have.
I sooooo want a hockey mom as your president!!!
It's like a Canadian dream come true. And, she's sensitive to Canadian issues, like oil drilling and polar bears...
please vote for McCain and Palin.
I just feel bad for her 5 kids and particularly the 5 month old with Downs Syndrome that is surely being raised by someone else. priorities priorities....
Apparently her lack of caring for her youngest baby is no longer an issue. It's not even hers!!! Oh My! A scandal before it's even begun!
me again.
Can someone please tell me what, aside from acting president should the current president kick the bucket, the role of a vice president is?
I hate to sound like a total bitch, but people who don't vote... if you lose your job or can't afford your groceries, then you need to shut the hell up (or move to another country and participate in their process).
They are usually the first ones to complain too. If you vote, then complain away.
Sorry, but I get so sick of that cop-out.
No there isn't a viable independant party, and I'm not going to get off my ass about that either so I will stick to picking what is offered and live with it.
People have died for this right.
Hell to the N.O. this Hillary supporter will not be voting McCain as asserted by a former poster.
He actually frightens me (don't even get me started on his plastic stepford wife) and his choice for VP is very unsound.
Do I love Obama/Biden....not 100% but IMO they are by far the better of the 2 choices.
Love the poster Ashley....you still rock even with a fancy, schmantzy job that takes you away from us. ;^)
turns out that the baby is hers (although i'm still sceptical) but her daughter is now 5 months pregnant...funny how the two stories are running into eachother...nothing is making sense with this woman. the truth will and must come out SOON!
oh, and LOVE the poster. and i am an obama mama!
Have I told you lately that I love you? ;) My thoughts exactly!
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