Friday, August 8, 2008

Dear Big Kid,

Five years ago today, I met you for the first time.

I remember gazing down at you the day after you were born (I was tired, drugged, and worried about your resemblance to an alien on that first day), and knowing with absolute certainty that you would go on to do great things.

I am even more sure of that fact five years later, now that glimpses of the person you're becoming have emerged. I can't even tell you how proud I am of you. I am incapable of being humble when it comes to people complimenting you. I can't just smile, nod, and thank the people who tell me you are beautiful or intelligent or funny, instead I find myself agreeing and adding to the list of qualities.

You are an amazing little guy. I enjoy every day with you and am so excited to watch you on this journey through life. It's a neat feeling to have made such a fantastic person, and to be a part of something so great, and have front row seats to the show of his life.

I hope your fifth year is as much fun as your fourth was. You have grown so much and learned so much and are such a good boy. Every night when I go to bed, I think of you and your brother and feel warm and happy and oh so lucky to be your mom.

So Happy Birthday, Big Guy! I like you, I love you, and I'll always protect you.

Yours Forever (and Ever),


Anonymous said...

Awwww... how sweet. It's only 8:30 and you have brought tears to my eyes. btw.. how cool would it have been for chick day to be on Big Kids birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Big Kid! What a sweet letter...I hope you're saving that for him when he is older!! He will love it someday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!

You are smart and funny and you brighten many people's day! Thank you and have a lovely day.

kat said...

i just started reading your blog and love it. Happy Birthday Big Kid

Kate said...

Happy Birthday, Big Kid! May every day of your 5th year be as entertaining, fun, and love filled as your 4th!

Cassie said...

He's so cute! Happy Birthday to him! Good luck with the cake :)

Sasha said...

Happy Birthday BK from the Sashas!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

He is so cute!!! Happy Birthday Big Kid ;)

Anonymous said...

Look @ that sweetie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BK!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to BK...Happy Birthday to you!! (That was sung by my #1 and #2 by the way and my #2 wants me to tell you that she'll be 6 tomorrow!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!
I hope that the cake is as delicious as you imagined it would be when you were trolling the internet looking for the most delicious dinosaur cake EVER.

middle of nowhere, Ireland

AFRo said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid! You are really brilliant and we LOVE hearing from you... maybe mom will let you get your own blog for your birthday. Maybe?

The Driftwood Collector said...

He *is* destined to do great things! Happy Birthday, Big Kid!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Big Kid! Have a great one!

Marie said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!! I hope you enjoy that awesome cake.

Maddness of Me said...

Ok thanks for makingme cry! You guys are both so lucky to be hooked together in life.

He is special and will go on to amaze us all, I'm sure of it!

Happy Birth BK! Your awesome!

Mitch said...

Happy Day BK! I like AFRO's idea -- guest blog maybe?

Joy said...

Oh Afro that is a great idea-The life and times of BK :)

Happy birthday bk your mom is pretty freakin cool your one lucky little man.

BTW I was a little teary eyed til I looked and saw the picture, he is just too cute.

Renee said...

Happy Birthday, BK! I hope you have a great year!

Miss Renee, John, Lauren, William, and David

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Lots and Lots of Love, Auntie Catfish.

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to one cool kid... and brilliant as well!!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Aww that was soo sweet!

Happy Birthday to Big Kid!

Melodie said...

My goodness, he's so gorgeous!

Happy Birthday, BK!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your adorable little man.

Anonymous said...

Awww....that's so sweet.

massage momma said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid! Hope you had a great day! Will we get to see pictures of the awesome cake?

And what a handsome picture!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid!!!! You really are something special! :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday BK!!! I believe he knows that he's got a really great mom. Cherish these years...they go by soooo fast...

Ann in Alabama

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, BK! AFRo does have a great idea... And, Ashley, that picture is the BEST. That smile is perrrrfect. I love that smile.

Lipstick said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid! What a sweeheart! What a precious birthday post, Ashley!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Boy!! I have had the pleasure of meeting your mommy and lk but not you yet and I hope someday I will be able to meet you too! You remind me so much of my son and I think you are an amazing kid. I hope your dinosaur cake rocks and that your Pirate party blows everyone out of the water (ha ha get it...water...Pirates...ok, so it wasnt that great of a joke). You are going to love going to school and I am sure that everyone there is going to love you too!

Maddness of Me said...

I have this thing I do where I age progress in my mind when I see pictures of kids. Why do I see Jude Law when I age progress BK?

Hopefully you're not thinking "what I just heard is you think my kid is hot". Or hopefully you think Jude Law is cool looking when he washes his hair.

lk on the other hand is so Brad Pitt. He's going to be a total ladies man too, watch out for that one ;)

Ashley said...

OMG Ashley seriously this is freaky. I havent't been on the net in over a month due to moving and when I get back on I find out our eldest sons share the same birthday and they are both now 5. The weirdness just keeps piling up. Tata.
The Other Ashley