So I've just completed the Egg Autopsy. One more baby chick and the rest just yucky. Out of 24 eggs, there were only three real chicks and only one looked 100% developed (the others I'd say were a 98%, their tummies weren't all healed up yet).
I'm really bummed about it. I stayed up all night looking at other eggs and other chickens and reading posts from people who were all kissy face with their brand new baby birdies. I decided to just forget about it for a week and go to bed, but I've woken up unable to forget about it and resenting the lucky ducks who are all kissy face with their chickies.
I have two options: 1. Buy more hatching eggs and try incubating again or 2. Buy day old baby chicks. Option 1 is cheaper but involves more hope and potential for heartache. Option 2 brings guaranteed results but costs more, seems sort of mean (they mail day old baby chicks!), and robs me of the chance to be their mother.
I mean, I know I'll still be their mother, but I wanted to birth them. What if going through the mail at a day old causes psychological problems and makes them unable to trust me? What if I don't feel maternal to them and their weird feet creep me out too much to love them? And for some reason, if they turned out to be roosters it would seem even more unfair. I don't know why, but it's one thing if I hatch roosters, another if I unknowingly pay for and have roosters mailed to me.
Mr. Ashley isn't feeling the urgency re: chicks but you know how men are, they don't bond until something cute is sitting there in front of them. He was feeling a little tenderness towards the perfect-other-than-being-dead chick. Big Kid votes for just getting mail order chicks because we "seem to be havin' pwoblems wif all dese eggs." little kid ran over to the empty brooder this morning to see if any chicks were in there and yelled "babies!" when he saw the incubator outside, sterilizing in the sun.
It's not fair I tell you. I've been reading about people whose temps and humidity were all off, or who are incubating in some crazy homemade contraption, or who are dealing with eggs that other eggs exploded all over...and they have chicks. I just want to know WHY I don't have chicks. I want a real chick autopsy, by a professional.
I really just want some freaking chicks. Even just one chick would work.
Awe. Well, if it helps, I couldn't stand my husband's feet when we first dated but he grew on me anyway. Maybe the same will happen for you with hatched babies.
I do agree though, sending them through the mail does seem mean.
What do they do, stamp the box fragile? Yikes.
In my younger, lived on a farm days, we totally got peeps via UPS. Trust me, you will bond instantly with the chirping box and the yellow fluffiness that is inside! SO CUTE!!!!
Bummer. Im sorry. I say go for the chicks. maybe you can find a farm in the area? good luck!
That really sucks! I think it's kinda crazy to mail live chicks, but if that's what it takes for you to be a chick-momma, maybe you should try it.
I would say go for the mail chicks. We live out in the middle of no where and when I go into the post office, at least 2-3 times a year there is a box of cheepers in there. Now with McMurray you have to order at least 25 chicks and you can just order females. I'm guessing you want less than 25 chickens so usually you can go to your local feed store and they will buy the rest from you. You can also mix it up on McMurray website....get some exotics and regulars. Good luck, I'm jealous!
awww---I always liked to watch them hatch. My husband used to hatch chickens, ducks and even a few turkeys.
Is there a Tractor Supply Company near you? This is a chain in my area that sells baby chicks in store and you can pick them out yourself.
I am sorry for the loss of your chicks.
I am sorry for your loss & the disappointment of the dud hatchlings. I think I would hold off on chicks altogether and see how the new job goes and how much of your time it takes, to be honest. That is a big transition & you may find out you don't have time to be messing with a bunch of unruly chickens. Also you will have plenty of money to be buying those eggs with now!
I've order chicks and ducklings in the mail and they were so cute and tiny when they arrived but I totally understanding wanting to try and hatch them. For me, it was a personal challenge and I didn't want to give up the chance that I could hatch them myself. In all honesty, you might want to wait until next spring because fertility will more than likely start dropping off as the seasons progress. Don't set yourself up for more heartache if you can help it :-).
Okay I am not getting you need for chickens but I say get the live chicks. Instant gratification and no more heart break.
I remember going to our feed store with my Grandfather when I was a kid, and we would get chicks from time to time. They were in this big round multi-leveled spinning cage and were sorted into groups. It was fun! Maybe try to call all of the farm supply stores around there or checking Craigslist for newly hatched chicks.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
Poor babies...I don't have any idea what route you should take...I have never had the desire to hatch my own eggs or have chickens for myself...But please, keep us posted when you make your decision.
I'm sorry. I would send you some eggs but our chickens are 6 years old and with only one rooster I don't know how fertile they would be. I hope you get to try again and are successful.
OH man I really wanted to see some cute baby chicks today when I got on here. I know this is not helping.
A. Go fancy girl chicks - the kind that will lay different colored eggs. We have blueish-green, brown, and pink (eggs that is.) Way cooler than just brown.
B. Guess I didn't have a 'b'. So, Um, Good luck!
P.S. You should get at least one rooster too - They're kind of annoying, but really funny. . .and, again, WAY cuter. disappointing as this is, maybe it's a sign to hold off on the chicks for a bit. You're getting ready to start a full time, WOH job, trying to find daycare for lk and getting BK ready for a new school year....LOTS going on! Maybe wait until things get settled with all of that and then look into finding a farm supply store as the others suggested...I live in the suburbs of a large city and we have a couple of farm supply stores nearby.
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