Sunday, August 24, 2008

'Splain Please

I have all kinds of birthday stories, updates and pictures, but I need to talk about something right now. Urgently.

I think I've mentioned to you all before that little kid is horse obsessed. OB-SESS-ED. So, he has lots of horseys. Big horseys, small horseys, horseys with real manes, horseys with baby bottles and blankets, etc, etc, etc.

I've recently noticed another difference amongst the horseys. Many of the horseys are anatomically correct:

I guess that first one is a gelding, the second one is a stallion and the third one is....well, hung like a horse.

Can I ask...Um, WHY?? Why is this necessary?? What pervert is out there insisting on putting male anatomy on horse figurines? I have two different brands represented there, so there's either more than one pervert or he's working for two companies. Also, two of the horses above were sold with baby horses, leading one to believe they were mommy horses until you saw their junk, which is frankly pretty hard to miss.

I don't know. It's just doesn't seem right.


Anonymous said...

My oh my! Who knew toys could be so informative?!

Melodie said...

That is weird. Mommy horses definitely don't have "junk".

Portia Cason said...

That's kind of gross. I know it shouldn't be, being natural and all, but it kind of is. Have your kids noticed?

Hautemama said...

Wow - I've noticed it before on my son's plastic toy bull, but nothing compared to the detail in the second pic. I agree, it's not necessary.

Anonymous said...

Totally off topic but I saw this tonight and thought of you!

Hmm maybe you should pay those library fines?!?!

Nomers said...

OMG...too funny...hubby brought up the same thing awhile back looking at one of Diva's animals. Really, do they have to be that true to life, especially the third one...YIKES?!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it helps keep them balanced on those plastic legs?

Unknown said...

Interesting... guess they wanted to actually I have no explanation for that, I got nothing. Ewww.

Kara said...

Hm... I think I should go take a peek at my daughter's My Little Ponies... ;-) That is seriously messed up.

Anonymous said...

That is really really weird.

merrick said...

This is seriously disturbing, especially for a woman who still cant tell a boy cat from a girl cat, until Elvis (the cat) came home preggers ..:)

Anonymous said...

Huck loves to point out our horse junk (like I might not be sure what it is). Frankly I'd rather the horse have the goods, rather than the smooth ken doll package. Now THAT is what I call freaky.

Unknown said...

There should be a comfortable middle ground. Like the gelding is fine. I don't see any mama horses with teets or any sort of junk at all, which adds to the strangeness of this phenomenon.

Number two is practically pornographic. Number three too, but in a different way. Why not just a vague lump?

Luckily, the kids haven't noticed yet. I'm thinking it's only a matter of time though and why should I have to explain horse balls??

I saw the library thing, it had me a little nervous. I've got me AND my mom in trouble with them currently, so if I go down, she's going with me. It's her fault for loaning me her card.

Anonymous said...

omg....not only have I noticed that, I too posted pics a while back!
My oldest LOVES horses....and we have many. One day they were in the tub with her and I noticed balls! Balls! Try explaining that one to a little girl!

Joy said...

That is just wrong!

tgillock said...

We have some like this. I'll have to break out the camera later and show you what is on one of our pigs. My girls have a complete set of farm animals and wow the pig is something!! He is a HUGE sack under his tail. WTH!

Anonymous said...

Next thing you know, Barbie & Ken will be anatomically correct!

Unknown said...

I'm horrified. And little jealous, I think.

Anonymous said...

LOL...that is a good why is it poor Ken still hasn't got the goods??

Anonymous said...

I remember the horse on the top!! Is it wrong that I only need to see the package to remember that toy?!

Maddness of Me said...

I thought perhaps you found some porn horse statues and you were kidding, then I realized this is for real.

What the hell?

I need to check into this.

Kally said...

I am totally cracking up about this because when my daughter turned three someone gave her a big plastic tiger figurine. Wouldn't you know the darned thing had big plastic junk right in the back. She pointed out to me that her tiger had 2 tails. -Jeez, these people need to make toys a little less realistic.

Hautemama said...

LOL at all the Ken talk.... maybe that's why Barbie finally dumped his ass a few years back...

Julie H said...

LOL I was going to say probably the same reason Barbie has boobs!

Ever see a horse all happy in a pasture. Oh my!

Mrs. Schmitty said...

I was so going to question about Ken too...until I saw everyone beat me to it.

Anyway, that's just plain wrong.

~Gretchen~ said...

Melody also has boy horses. When buying a new horse, she must first ascertain whether it is a girl or boy horse and often rejects non-boy horses.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm totally now going to check out all of the animal toys we ever encounter looking for their junk. I'm a freak like that. And maybe, just maybe, a little bit of a perv... Shhhh... (Not that animal junk turns me on. Not THAT pervy. Yuck.)

Life, Love And Lola said...


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at this one.

About 18 months ago, our minister to children came around the corner to talk to me. I was holding a horse (like your son's) and LAUGHING my head off. She looked at me like I was crazy; until I showed her what I was laughing at.

ME: "Look at this."
Children's Pastor: "It's a horse."
ME: "No, look CLOSER.It's a BOY horse."
CP: "THAT'S TOO FUNNY! Let me have it for my office!"

Seriously! She took it & put it up on her office shelves.

How's that for a good sense of humor.

Said horse has been replaced w/ a Ken-doll syled horse. ;)