I got the job!
Contingent on a full background check, and I mean a FULL BACKGROUND CHECK. Holy cow, it's insane the amount of information they feel they have a right to. There's no background to check and nothing to hide, but you know how this Big Brother sort of stuff freaks me out.
I'm really excited and happy, but also nervous and really tired. I've had a big week and a busy day. I'm too beat to even celebrate properly, maybe tomorrow.
OMG!!! Congratulations!!!
Now let's get little kid in daycare!!
Congrats! Can you tell us what it is you'll be doing?
Congratulations!! It's about time that you get this chance!
You rock! Congratulations. Clearly you deserved it.
Full background checks suck. I went through one when I was offered a job at the Dept of Justice. I had an FBI agent assigned to my case and everything. Fortunately, my current employer offered me mega money to stay so I got to tell the DOJ to take a hike. No background checks for me!
Congrats!!! We knew you'd get it. All that crossing really does come in handy. LOL! Not to mention we're all stoked that we're that much closer to our closet cruise. When you have time, give us the full details of exactly what you'll be doing. Your "following" wants to know!
Congratulations on the new job!!! It must've been the kickass hair that put you over the top.
I have had to do background checks for my job, too, and even though I know there's nothing I have to worry about, there's always this little bit of fear that something bizarre will turn up.
Congratulations! My first time commenting here but I had to wish you good luck. You deserve it!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
GOOOOOOO ASHLEY!! (insert kart wheels Here)
YAY!!!! (more kart wheels)
The Closet Cruise awaits. Fiji my friend. Seriously FIJI!!!!
(and a round off)
yippee!! congrats ashley, you so deserve this. i'm kinda' jealous though - i don't want to be poor anymore either! ;)
Congratulations! & Good luck!
Congratulations! I've been following the saga...
Great going!
I knew you'd get it!! Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS!
woohooo congrats!
CONGRATULATIONS! After reading about your interview I knew you had the job! What will you be doing?
WTG!!!! Ashley, you deserve it!!!
Good luck to you on your new endeavor.
Coming out of lurkdom to say YAY Ashley!!!
Congratulations! I hope the working world is more fun for you than for me !!
Omg, I'm so excited for you... I have been a long time closet reader but have never commented before. I figured this was the perfect time for me to come out of hiding. congratulations!!!!
YAY!!! I knew you would get it! Go out and celebrate!
Congratulations!!! We knew you could do it.
Congrats!!! So....who are you working for and what are you going to be doing?
WOOHOO!!! Congrats!!!
OH yippee!!!!!
I am so excited for you. will you be sharing any details of what this new job will be? I mean it has gotta be something great if your going to be working there.
Congratulations! That's great...I had my fingers crossed for you!!
Well done!!!
Hurray! I'm so glad- have been following your interview adventures closely this week. Congrats!
YayYayYay!!! That is so awesome. We need to have a toast in the Closet around lunchtime tomorrow. It is Saturday so drinks after noon are okay, right? Congrats! YOu will do great.
Congratulations Ashley! I'm happy for you!
Yay for the great news! I am so excited for you!
Yay For Ashley!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy for you and proud of you. I can't wait to read about it.
Congratulations!!!! Yay for you :) Now go have a margarita, stat!
Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you!
You are friggin' awesome, Ashley! Congrats!
Congratulations, Ashley! You Rock!
Holy.Mutha.Fuckin'.Shit.I.Knew.It! What fool would pass up the chance to hire the Awesomeness that is Ashley???? YAY!!!!!!! I'm drinking one right now in celebration! (I've already polished off a bottle of wine with a friend and had more than one, or five beers (shut up!,) so I guess one (or five) more in honor of you isn't going to matter! I should have read this earlier! Wow, my head's gonna hurt in the morning.) YAY! XOXO
Did that even make fucking sense????
YA YA YA!!!! CONGRATS!!! Did I miss the part about where you tell us what the job is?!! Tell us all the details!! (I hate background searches too. I don't have anything at all to hide but it is just an envasion of privacy. I currently don't have a bag of cocaine shoved up my ass and that doesnt mean that I like undergoing a cavity search either. :-) )
Congrats! I've been following this and I'm very happy for you.
congratulations! We all knew they would want you!
Yay Ashley!!! Woo hoo! They are so damn lucky to have you!
And you had better not be lying about this not disappearing from the closet business.
Yay again!
Congrats to you!!!! I knew you would win them over and you did.
Make Mr. Ashley take you out for a celebratory dinner/drink....you have so earned it!!
Damn...that means I have to start my pre-cruise diet though.:(
Yay! Yay! Yay! AAAAAAAHHHHH! I'm so happy for you! Congrats!
-The Renee
Aww! I am so glad I checked in before bed. Congrats to you!!
I am so glad I checked in beore bed! Congrats to you!
I knew you did it! Go Ashley!!Go Ashley!! ((hugs)) ..Knew you could do it ;)
Congrats! I just *knew* you'd get this job and have been checkin in to see when you would find out!!! Yay!
I am so happy for you! Huge congrats!
You rock!
I'm off to start the celebrating for you!
middle of nowhere, Ireland
You rock woman! None of us doubted that this job was yours! Congrats!!!
CONGRATS!!! Those background checks are the worst. Seriously what's a felony conviction between friends:-)
Congrats!!! Knew you had it. I will celebrate all weekend for you!
Ann in Alabama
Congratulations!!!! So happy for YOU and the rest of the Ashley Family.
Congrats, Ashley!
Congratulations! You deserve it!
anonymous bs
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, they know a great thing when they see it! :D
I am so happy for you! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you go girl
Congrats Miss Ashley!!
CONGRATS!!!!! Do you think they'll find the Closet in the background check!? :-) I'm sure it was the outfit...
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooo congrats ashley!
Yay! Congrats, Ashley!
Congrats!! Hope I am as lucky as you at my interview on Wednesday!
Congratulations! I only stumbled upon your blog a few weeks back, but I've really enjoyed it! Good luck with the background check. May they find no skeletons in your closet! (Um. No pun intended.)
Woo Hoo!!!! Congrats!!!
Yea for you! The closet congratulates you. I used to work for the feds and did the fingerprinting and background checks. I know how involved they can be. If you leave something out, don't worry. They'll find it. Anyway, good for you!
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for you! Good luck on the new job! Can't wait to hear some funny office stories...
Ashley, congratulations! That is so awesome!
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! :)
Long time lurker, first time poster. CONGRATULATIONS! I've been rooting for you from afar.
Congrats! I have been following your journey as I am looking for a new job and presently unemployed. You are my inspiration that it will all work out! Again, congratulations!
Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear more about it.
Awesome, congratulations! And don't sweat the background check, you'll do fine. I've had back ground checks as well (government) that were pretty invasive, and stressful, like the lie detector test, but they are just weeding out the crazies. You'll do great!!
Congratulations Ashley! That's awesome!
Yippee and congratulations.
Wow, congrats Ashley! I knew you'd get it. How exciting!
Congratulations! Very best of luck to you!
YEY!!! Congrats, so happy for you!!
I knew you'd get it. They'd be stupid not to hire you. =)
forget the job - you have 90 comments on a post!!!! as a fellow wannabe professional blogger, i am jealous! but also very excited for your jobbing. i, myself, just landed a job after getting laid off during maternity leave. for shame! congrats on both feats!
Congratulations! That's fabulous news.
I knew you would get it!!! The whole time you've been talking about the job, I couldn't help but feel sorry for whoever else (if anyone) they interviewed for the job... Those poor people had NO CHANCE IN HELL of beating "Our Ashley"!!!
Congrats, Ashley!!! I want to hear MORE though. You totally deserve this.
Congratulations! I've been blogg-stalking waiting to hear if you would get it or not (which of course I knew you would). Again congrats!
congratulations, What a relief!
Looking forward to reading all about it in future posts.
Congrats! That is so exciting!
Congrats, Ashley. I guess this puts publishing the books on hold? Happy to hear about it, though & I'm sure that Mr. Ashley is, too... Good luck. When do you start!
100! Congratulations to you!
Congratulations! That is so damn fabulous! It's great to hear even though I already knew it was the case.
Now ship those punks off to BOOTCAMP!
ps: get this, knew a girl who shoplifted a hair tie once when she was 16... it was on her record and she got escorted out her first week when it showed up!
WOOOHOOOOO!!!! Congratulations!!! This better not take you away from the Closet too much! :)
Late Congratulations but congrats none the less!!!
congrats ashley! I knew that you'd get it!
WOWZERS! Thanks for all the comments!!
Marcelle, I'd still love a chance to publish the books. This probably means I won't be writing a new one any time soon but if he still has time to look at the others, I'd love that. I'll email you when I get a minute.
Congrats, Ashley!
We never doubted that you wouldn't get it! Congratulations!
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