Tuesday, August 5, 2008

They Got Ashley

I've got to say, the actual hire was almost a let down. I had worked it up to such an enormous event and then the reality lacked the spectacular-ness that I was hoping for.

I was picturing something like that scene in Annie when Daddy Warbucks decides to take her in. You know, where the whole staff dances through the house singing, "We got Annie! We got Annie? WE GOT ANNIE!!"

I was imagining something sort of like that, people cheering, "We got Ashley!" and carrying me around on a chair while leaping and sliding across tables and doing cart wheels and whatnot.

I mean, I was thinking there would at least be an email or phone call informing me of the hire.

Instead I came home at 4pm on Friday to nothing. No message, nothing. My brother called right then and told me that an old friend of his worked there and got along well with one of the ladies that interviewed me. She (the friend) has also read the Closet and thought that I should have included it on my resume.

My brother and I argued back and forth on whether or not this was a foolish idea. He wanted my permission to tell the friend to leak it to her coworker (they swear she hasn't, but regardless, I want to say that her coworker, my now-supervisor, is young, gorgeous and impressive and I'm not just saying that to cover my ass in case she reads this. I was impressed. I'd even say there was Girl Crush potential there.)

I didn't want to, not because I'm embarrassed of the Closet, but because I don't want to go screwing it up for myself. It's just easier for "real-life" people not to know. I can't even tell you how guilty I feel about not telling some people. Like Girl Crush...what a freak I am to keep it from her, but how the hell could I tell her now?

I swear I'll do anything for you people sometimes. I can't risk lowering the potential to entertain you all and the more people that know, the more complicated it gets and the guiltier I feel.

Anyway, my brother had almost convinced me by stating that it was truly the 11th hour, they were hiring someone that day and the day was almost over and at least I would find out one way or another and know that I didn't screw myself by not sharing it.

Right then, I had another call beep in. An assistant from the HR department asking if I had filled out an application. I told her I hadn't and she said she would email it over with the offer letter. "So I'm hired?" I asked.

"Oh...no one has spoke to you about this?"


"Well, I don't have the authority to tell you that, but if they are doing a background check and sending an offer letter...probably."

And that was it.

I then got the offer letter and the salary amount was not the same that was originally mentioned. She had mentioned a number in the low-somethings and it was actually a number in the mid-somethings right below that number. I'm pretty used to getting Screwed by The Man though, so I just signed away my rights to privacy and gave them some pee with a smile and truly feel excited, grateful and happy about the whole situation. I'll renegotiate once I've proven that they can't live without me.

It is a super cool job. I wish I could come right out and tell you but that's not a good idea. It is media related and mom related and I will be In Charge. Woo-hoo. My business card has a fancy title. I'll have a Blackberry and laptop. It will be something I will truly love doing and something I really know that I'll be good at. I do believe they are as lucky to have found me as I am to have found them, it really is an awesome opportunity.

I will say that now that putting little kid into some sort of daycare is a real possibility, I find myself wondering how I can do that to my Choo-Choo (that's what we call him, Choochie LaRue).

Don't get me wrong, I'm still doing it. Oh am I doing it. I just feel a little tender about it. He's such a baby still and such a mama's boy.

I was going to send him to The Jews, because I can trust them and I adore them, but I think little kid needs Jesus in his life. Plus, the Jesus People are less expensive and more flexible. I still need to check them out in person, but so far they're beating The Jews.

All in all, we're entering into what feels like an exciting time in all our lives. Both boys going to school and making new friends, Mr. Ashley getting his new job, me getting my new job, us having two jobs with steady salaries and benefits.

Now let's just hope I pass the drug and background tests...

(kidding, kidding...I should pass...)


Maddness of Me said...

There are just too many facets for why not to blog about work or let co-workers read your blog for me to list.

Let's start with... you don't want to start sensoring your posts. You need to be able to say what you want. Otherwise, it would be ruined.

And that... would be way sad.

Maddness of Me said...

Do you remember when Mr. Ashley lost his job and everyone was all "things happen for a reason".

Well. I would say that point has been proven.

Anonymous said...

I would kill your brother! Tell little bear I'm gonna kill him...well not really but geeez! You don't want work knowing about your personal life, not yet at least ;)
xo Catfish

Anonymous said...

I am truly excited for you...this is going to be such an exciting time of all of your lives. I've opted to keep my blog somewhat a secret too....I think it's for the best...

Slacker Mama said...

How sad is it that when I read your title, I immediately thought of the Annie song/scene.

Congrats on the job! And good luck with the daycare bit for Little Kid! My Little Kid-aged kid is in "school" and she really does love it. I think he really will thrive with the activity, structure and interaction!

Ms. Skywalker said...

First, congrats--so glad you got the job.

Second, censorship sucks the big one.

I'd start a new blog and not tell anyone I know if I wasn't so freaking lazy.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Thank heavens they don't test for WINE!!!

Melodie said...

Make sure you keep your new laptop away from lk! Wouldn't you just love to have to explain what happened to your work laptop to your new boss after lk gets his hands on it?

Congrats on the new job, again!

wendy said...

You have completely sealed the deal now - we were totally best friends in a previous life, otherwise there is no way you could have just referenced 'Annie' like that.
p.s. now that you're both getting paychecks again I'm betting you're buying rather than making your own wipes. . . just a hunch. ?

Joy said...

I also thought of lk when I heard of a new laptop.

congrats I hope you enjoy your new job and we hear lots of fun stuff about it

Jen said...

My vote - never let work people see your personal blog. Think about the things you said in anticipation, nervousness and profanity about not getting calls back quickly, etc. I would die if my old boss ever saw my thoughts about stuff like that. I say, not good at all that a person that interviewed you knows about your blog. I bet she already told the others. Why not? And, never access your blog from your work laptop. I saw something on the news the other day. They said, anything you can see on your work computer screen could potentially be seen and monitored by management/tech people.

Anonymous said...

I think it depends on the industry. If it's writing or internet related, your blog is definitely resume-worthy with the traffic, and award nominations, etc. Writers "get" character development and take it with a grain of salt I hope. Other industries I'd say definitely no to sharing.

Supposedly the person in question was never told right? Hopefuly you can trust that's the truth and not worry about it.

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Congrats on the job! Sounds pretty cool! I'm new to your blog, Mama Kat's Losin' It turned me on to your blog. You're funny as hell, I added you to my google reader!

Melissa said...

Congrats on the job!! I don't like telling people I know that I write a blog either.

Jen said...

Congrats on the new job. Can't wait to hear more about it.

I agree it is a good idea to keep the blog from people at work...and family if you can help it. My blog is mostly for family and friends but sometimes I wish they didn't read it so I could talk honestly about all of them.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I understand about not telling others about your blog. It has been a daily discussion in our family about who to tell and who not to tell. Becs

Scary Mommy said...

Right when I saw your title I was singing Annie before I even read your post. I love your vision!
The job sounds like a perfect fit all around- you deserve it!

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Congratulations on landing the job!

I'm kinda hmmmm about mentioning anything at work about "yeah, I'm a blogger, whatcha gonna do about it?" It may depend on the work environment...I learned very quickly at my last and least fave job that to mention anything personal was gossip fodder. Blogs are personal. If it gets around that you have an AMAZING thing goin' on here, let somebody at work leak the news!

Life, Love And Lola said...

If they find out about your blog you better pray that your new boss isn't one of those women we hear about with a gazillion cats...Maybe it's time to get rid of the kitty in your sidebar.

Anonymous said...

well poo, the closet is out there now. everyone is gonna know about it. no more fun.

just kidding. but that does suck that you can't bitch about work people on here now.

Unknown said...

LOL! I'm not worried about it, I don't think she talked to the other lady. It's not the sort of work situation where everyone knows each other and communicates, so I have a better chance than most.

I doubt I'll have much shit to talk anyway, especially since I don't really have coworkers to deal with, so I'm not concerned as of yet. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Is it work from home? Congrats!!!

Jen said...

What are you going to do with 22 (21?) baby chicks? Do they have chick-care beginning next week? hee hee. What's their status?

Blanda Amania said...

I wouldn't mention the blog. I can imagine the entertainment bosses and coworkers will bring and I'd hate for you to have to hold back in fear of them reading about themselves. This is an outlet for you. Gotta have SOMETHING for ourselves as mamas, no? Have a great first day. I cannot wait to hear more.

Amy said...

Congratulations Ashley!!

lk is going to putting some hurt on the Jesus babysitters. I predict some excellent lk blog fodder.

Good instincts not telling about the blog. Too unpredictiable how people will take it. My work doesn't know, except for one good friend who would never tell. My concern is over things I've written for other web sites that mention the blog in my bio. I've had people from my kid's school e-mail and say - oh I read that site and loved your article and I'm liking the blog! - and it's freaky. All the connections are so easy to make. And I thought I was safe having a name one step removed from Jane Doe on the "generic" scale.

Jenna said...

I found your blog by clicking on other's blog rolls and the story about the feral child in fl really struck a nerve so I had to post about it on my blog http://withwiz.blogspot.com/ Thanks for pointing out stories like this one!

And congrats on your new job!!


the mom said...

congrats again. you've teased me into a tizzy though ... I am all a flutter with what this perfect job could be and how I might find one for myself! :)

Anonymous said...

no coworkers? that is the perfect job! my last 2 jobs i worked with like 50 people (90% women) and it sucked. they all hated me. I have little tolerance for stupidity, and i was a food stamp worker and then a foster care worker. not a good combination, b/c there are a lot of stupid people that work there. gotta love state employment.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Did you already forget about us? Or are you still sleeping? Or maybe you're out celebrating again.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! & hooray!
Did I mention that YOU ROCK!
You are so my girl-crush now.


Lauren said...

Congrats on the job. I wouldn't tell them about the blog. I could handle my family knowing before my co-workers, and I don't even talk about work. I just wouldn't want them to see me for the bad mommy I really am.

KatBouska said...

FINALLLLY...now you can start paying us to read your blog instead of the other way around.

ps You're welcome for Adiel. She's been faithful to me. I believe at least one of your readers has wandered over to my blog as well...I think we're even now.

KatBouska said...

ps since you're working with the media now can you put in a good word for me with Ellen?? My sweet talkin' letters are not doing the trick...