I didn't start my new job today, for all those wondering. There is some sort of human resources hold-up, but someone did ask if I could come in on Wednesday.
Now I just need to find someone to watch little kid on Wednesday...
I am in a mad rush interviewing home day care providers. It's scary how any idiot can put an ad up on Craigslist. I go meet one tonight and I'm hoping I can meet another one tomorrow. I thought there was a third but she's not getting back to me and that's not a good sign.
Luckily, I will mostly be working from home (I believe) so at least I have a little bit of flexibility and time to figure out what to do with him.
I'm also still on the chicken obsession. I tried to make myself stop, but I have no control. Now that I can't, it's like I HAVE TO. I did find a local lady who will just give me free eggs, so now I have no excuse not to try again. So I'm preparing the incubator and getting backup supplies for a better chance of success this time.
I know, I know, I should probably wait, but you all know I won't be deterred. Call it spoiled, call it determined, but I won't accept this not happening. I'm going to be a Mother Hen. At least I've found an almost-free way. I was starting to get all obsessed with chicken breeds or whatnot, but that's over the top, even for me. Free eggs are free eggs, and I'll take them.
(and I've heard a rumor that some are bored with chicken talk...hold tight for the waaaahmbulance, it's on its way.)
Since you're having trouble with the daycare situation, it's probably a good thing for first day of work got moved back.
I'd offer to take lk off your hands, but I think the gas money (not to mention hours of driving time) would eat up your whole paycheck.
Those city readers don't understand the chicken thing - probably never will. But us non-city readers love it so don't cut it out. Free eggs are awesome and they don't have to be shipped so they will not get scrambled in transit. How exciting that you are going to try it again. I know it's hard but try not to open the incubator any more than you have to.
Melodie, perhaps you could board him? I could come up every other weekend of so...
I have a new plan so as not to open the incubator as much. I'm going to try incubating/hatching them in cardboard egg trays so it doesn't take as long to turn them (I'll just have to prop up the other side of the carton instead of rolling a bunch of wobbly eggs around) and I'm only going to candle them twice. I also got myself a better candling flashlight and a backup thermometer and hygrometer--I'm not messing around this time.
Who the HELL would buy breastmilk on Craigslist?? Why not just donate it to somewhere that needs it?
Tired of chicken talk?! No way...I love it! I am as desperate to see pics of BK and lk with the babies as everyone else!!
I know, way to pimp out your boobs.
bwwaaaaakk bwak bwk bwk, bwaaaak, bwak, bwk bwk.
That's chicken for; Good luck finding a babysitter for lk.
Maybe you should ask your multi-lingual faux farming father for some advice on your chicken hatching dillema.
Are you going to do the fancy blue eggs again?
Damn, too bad it would be such a haul for you but Ray's and Chay's daycare is AWESOME and they have room for lk. He'd be in Chay's class and I love his teachers. But I think it would take you about 45 minutes and way too much gas to get there!
Be careful with the Craigs List people. I looked there when Chay was about 6 mths old and met some scary people that I would never leave myself alone with let alone my baby (and sorry if that offends anyone, but really there are scary people out there!)
I'm not bored with the chick posts, but sometimes I skip the autopsy posts so I can still eat eggs. ;-)
Sorry, can't board him. My husband would kill me if there was an extra kid around here when he came home from work each night.
Good luck with that! The eggs and finding someone to care for LK!
I'll take him of course I am oh maybe 10-12hrs maybe more depending how far into FL you are:) so you may need to get a head start.
Oh and we love the chicken talk he is a man and will not understand, but I am sure he will still hang around I think he's pretty fond of you ;) I am also sure as soon as those little things are lighting up the screen with their serious cutness he will immediatly be in love.
I like the chicken talk. Good luck with the next batch.
I totally get you on the whole finding childcare thing. It is impossible to find at a reasonable rate in a place where you don't have to worry that someone isn't secretly sticking your child in a sweat shop making Kathy Lee clothes. Lots of luck with Little Kid.
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