So today is my first day of real SAHMdom, with no other adult in the house until after business hours.
It's been going on for one hour and forty minutes and I'm wondering how long is too long to strap little kid in the time out chair for...
He's already been in there twice, it seems like less hassle just to keep him in there. That way I could eat and drink and use the bathroom like normal people do, not hiding and hurried. I could maybe even clean up without him wreaking a path of destruction directly behind me.
I have three appointments to book today and I think I will have these phone calls coincide with his next three time outs, so that I can lock myself in the sweet silence that is my bedroom to talk professionally while he's strapped down safely, and so that they'll get done in the morning.
I don't think it's a good sign that Big Kid (aka The Constantly Running Mouth) isn't even awake for the day and I'm already ready to run away or commit acts of violence.
If I get that job, I might just quit this one...
I've been working on cleaning out and purging things from my bathroom for the past two days (and I'm still not done). You can check out my blog to see the photos of the 80 nail polishes and 218 lipsticks I found in there.
Unfortunately, Katie is really into make-up now, and I'm having a difficult time finishing up my project because I am constantly having to rescue my found lipsticks from her little hands. Ugh.
It's so much fun, isn't it? Here's to much strength today or a big glass of wine with lunch! :)
I am a WAHM but the operative word is work. It is difficult to do with my little one running around so at least 3 days I week I take him to preschool. I have to admit that since I started my business (and blogging) he has been there every day. Oh, well I am not perfect.
Wiffle bat. Use a wiffle bat. And leave no marks.
Isn't it sad when a full time job sounds like a sweet escape?
I feel your's (OMG)raining here. I am not sure if any of us will survive till 4pm. I am thinking the holy terror is going down first...followed by the constantly flapping tounge.
Good luck with your battle
Oh the good old days of the corporate world. I miss those lunch breaks and the silence of my office. Maybe WHEN you get this job you can get a nanny!
Oh, what I wouldn't do for a lunch break, peeing behind a locked door, two weeks paid vacation, heck, being paid here! Yes, a full-time job would be a nice break.
Add my spawn to the list -they're driving me nuts.
It must be the heat.
Unemployment has certainly made me appreciate the SAHM. Luckily (or unluckily, it depends on how you look at it) E is home with me too, so I get a reprieve every once in awhile, when he's not doing side jobs that is!
Any calls???
I feel your pain! Im counting down the days till I can pee with out someone standing there staring at me!
My husband complains about his hour commute too and from work....I would kill for 2 hours by my self with no one to talk to and not having to listen to Hanna Mantana the entire ride!
Good luck to you!
Deep breaths. Just keep breathing.
Yes, Little A's foray into getting to stay home with me while I attempted to work lasted about 3.7 hours.
Besides, they really missed her at daycare.
Oh your poor thing!! It could be worse ya know...twins!!! LMAO!
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