who are excited about the Closet Chicks...you might want to postpone the excitement. I had one stinker that I had to throw away, and I'm very suspicious that most (all) of the rest are yolkers. Those are official faux farming terms and I'm not 100% on what they mean, but it's not good.
Not good at all.
I'm going to give it a few more days, because what could it hurt at this point, but I think it's safe to say that it's time to start looking around for new eggs to hatch.
Damn...for a second I thought you were starting a new club of Ashley's Closet lovers called the "Closet Chicks."
Bummed as I am about your faux farming efforts...I'm more bummed about the lack of a club.
I always enjoy your labels but this one has got to be the best. You just crack me up! (ha ha, pun intended)
Well, that suck! Maybe you'll get lucky and have one that survives. We could make her the Closet mascot.
when i first set up the aquarium at our house, i had several of what i learned to call 'practice fish.'
consider these your 'practice chicks'
I'm with the Slacker. I thought I'd missed something again. I'm bummed about the baby chicks, but you'll have to try again and I'd like to see a picture of the setup you've got hatching them please?
poor chickies
Sorry! That really sucks. We just tossed our last batch of silkie eggs because they all either didn't form or died early on. I will never order eggs from this one "prize winning pure bred" seller again. It's my second batch of duds. I feel your pain :-(.
i thought tis was about a club too!! hehe...
sorry to hear about the chicks! At least Big kid wont have his eyes pecked though :)
Mother Hen,
Sorry to hear about your chicks!
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