Monday, July 28, 2008

The Bad Egg

There was a stinker in the incubator so I took it out and decided to crack the egg open outside.

There was a bunch of bloody yolk and an itsy bitsy embryo, in my expert Faux Farming opinion, it died within the first 3-5 days of incubation.

It was squiggly and looked like a little jellyfish with one big black eye. Kind of yucky, huh?

I wasn't sad though because it looked nothing like a chicken and having 24 (23 now) eggs in the incubator has got me a little nervous. I don't need some massive chicken herd. The first 12 or so that "quit" on us won't be mourned much.

So one down, 23 to go, 11 days 'til Chick Fest in the Closet.


Audubon Ron said...

Make sure not to shake the egg. be very careful with it.

Joy said...

OK so you must be reading my thoughts now! Hubs and I were just on the phone and he says "hey I got stuff to hatch our own ducks" I was like "Oh I will have to tell Ashley"-is that weird?

Anyways no clue on what to do he wants them to train our dogs with.

This will have to be something I think about. I mean what do I do with a bunch of baby ducks running around? Then my kids get all attached to them and I have to say "Sorry now daddy is gonna take them and shoot them to train the dog how to fetch":)

Maddness of Me said...

It would so totally crack my ass up if all 23 end up hatching.

I can't wait to hear all about this adventure. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sasha said...

It looks like the Chic Fil A that is basically in my work parking lot is almost done!

Sorry, that's all I can think about today after reading your chicken-related posts!

ro said...

I came across this site the other day and thought of you...

You totally should've done this and made a fortune (or at least added some premium channels to your cable package)!

Unknown said...

This reminds me of incubating eggs in the third grade. Once they hatched we all had a chance to bring them home. We only had 5 chicks though and my mother wouldn't let me keep them at home so I had to stay at my grandma's to care for them.

Joy said...

Well hubs brought home a crap load of stuff today from work. A big crate, water and food dishes, an egg incubator, some thing to put the little babies in and 2 warming lights it is a crap load of stuff. Now what?

wendy said...

I can't wait to hear how this all turns out. We've bought baby chicks already cute and fuzzy (they're almost as big as our old hens now) but I'm too nervous to start with eggs. . . I kill plants and even caterpillars in cocoons (on accident - swear).

Unknown said...

I should've thought of eggycam! Damn.

Wendy, I also kill plants and caterpillars in cocoons. I fancy myself a butterfly midwife but this is far from the truth because when we grew butterflies, I'd say I killed half with all of my "help". Let's hope I can keep my hands off the chicks.

Joy, tell your hubs he can't kill ducks you've had since babies!! Get researching because hatching ducks is hard. Sandy from Cheaper than Therapy had a bitch of a time. I think the humidity is SUPER important, so get a hygrometer and start googling.

Joy said...

I know that is what I say how can you kill such a cute thing.

Anonymous said...

It's super duper hard to hatch ducklings - at least call ducks. I'd stick to the store bought ducklings. Good luck on your hatch Ashley!