Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lion Hug

I'm up early trying not to poop my pants with nervousness and I'm watching the Today show, and just saw this video clip of two guys who bought a baby lion cub and began to raise him. He soon became too big so they took it to Africa to re-acclimate him to his natural habitat. A year later they decided they wanted to see him, but were told that he was now the leader of a pride and therefore completely wild.

This is their reunion:

This had me SOBBING.

God, I am a sensitive, emotional wreck.

Please let today go quickly and well.


Lynda Kay said...

Lol-I knew this video would make your blog before the week was over. In the past few days I have had about 10 people send it to me, some have been accompanied with pics of all of them together while he was still a cub (so freakin' cute!) I cried too..hey, it's heartwarming!

GOOD LUCK TODAY!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you..xo

J said...

Well I don't feel like a sensitive, emotional wreck (at least not today!) and I was sobbing too. So much that I had to redo my eye makeup!

Good luck today!

Anonymous said...

I saw that video gives me it.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I saw this too...was crying like a fool! But it was so cool!

Fingers will be crossed for ya...

Julie H said...

That is too neat! Good luck with your interview today!

Anonymous said...

I too saw this video about a week ago. Hubby even had me look it up on because he didn't believe it!

Good luck today!

Jess said...

Hey, I had a pet lion as a child. He died, though. Very sad.

You'd have to really trust that animal to stand there and let a full-grown lion jump up on you.

Anonymous said...

that was incredible! I love how he introduces his girlfriend to them.

Melodie said...

That was SO sweet! I love kitty cats - the bigger the better, too!

Treasia Stepp said...

How touching that is. I've never seen it before. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

awwwww now you made me cry

Blanda Amania said...

How sweet!

KatBouska said...

Darn it Ashley this was TOTALLY on my list of things to post about.

Isn't it awesome!! I watched like 20 times and I just wanted to jump in there and start hugging everyone too.

So so sweet.

Melissa said...

I saw this a few weeks ago, and I fell in love with it. It is unbelievable!

Michelle said...

I can't believe I haven't seen this! I have to admit it brought tears to my eyes also! LOVE your blog!

absurdly yours said...

Okay maybe its the weather because this had me sobbing too.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Isn't that the most amazing thing ever!