Monday, July 14, 2008



Anonymous said...

They are adorable!! And they remind me so muc of my BK and lk that I can't stop reading!

Amy said...

Oh my gah! What a great shot!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

They are toooo cute...I can not believe that lk is really that bad - just look at his cute face - no way he can do all that stuff!

Lynda Kay said...

This picture REALLY made me laugh because they look like best friends & when I talked to you a little while ago it sounded like the UFC was being put on in your family room!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Brotherly love. How sweet!

Anonymous said...

adorable. little boys rock. mine are actually getting along and playing today and it's so cute.

Melodie said...

Love the cheese faces!

Lauren said...

Too cute for words

Anonymous said...

super cute!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I can definitely see a mischievous glint in lk's eyes, though... =)

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHHH!!! They are SO CUTE! You know, it's a shame to only have two when you make such adorable ones. Just sayin' ;)

AFRo said...

My God Ashley. They are adorable.

KatBouska said...

I want to bite LK's cheeks. Just look at that awesome mischevious grin. They are adorable.

Anonymous said...

So Cute!!

Anonymous said...

Wanted: Big Kid and Little Kid to move to Texas and be my kids! They're too cute!!!!!

Renee said...

What a great pic! They are such cutie pies. :)

-The Renee

Anonymous said...

They are both cuties. The girls need to be lookin out in a few years...

Ann in Alabama

Kate said...

AWWWWWWWWW Pictures are great aren't they? Just look at them, they look like the best of friends.

Monogram Momma said...


Unknown said...

OMG What a great looking couple of kids. And the BIGGEST grins!!