Monday, July 7, 2008

Late Night Rambling

I'm up late feeling anxious about my embryos. I'm not positive that I have any. We're on day 9, I should see something, but I don't know. How do I know I'm not just seeing a yolk? Maybe my "candling" light is just not bright enough? I'm getting a new light tomorrow, I need to know. I'm not going to turn hardboiled eggs three times a day, or waste any love on them. (Because I do feel a little tender towards the eggs, I am their mother hen, after all.)

Also, during the domain name move, my technorati page rank was affected. I shouldn't even care, I check it every couple of months and whatever, it's not life altering. But I am a little annoyed. I was sort of fond of the old page rank. Oh well, we're all together here with our fancy new domain name and that's all that matters. They can just kiss my ass with their page rank crap. I may never check it again, just to punish them.

I saw this before and after celebrity photoshop article today and it made me feel better as a human being, and as a photographer, so behold--and know that your big pores and splotchiness isn't as abnormal as it seems when you're peering into the medicine cabinet mirror.


Anonymous said...

Give them a couple more days and make sure that you are in a dark enough room. My silkie eggs have always been slow to develop, so you just never know. Good luck Momma!!

Cassie said...

That article does make me feel better about myself. and it makes me wish I knew how to work photoshop :)

Mommy of Mayhem said...

This makes me laugh out loud. I avoid close-up mirrors at all cost, especially if I'm examining the nasal area. Unless I'm drunk....then it's all good!

Mamahut said...

You have got to keep me posted on the embyros. I got 2 alpacas this weekend and they said I should put chickens in with them. Can you believe I am more nervous about the chickens than the alpaca's? I bought a book on chickens and they sound like a lot of work. Unless you buy full grown ones. So when you get your babies big enough to kick out of the nest, you can send them my way, if you don't want them. I get ill thinking about having to eat something I have raised...hence the alpacas and not beef.

Unknown said...

Geez. I take the weekend off and the dogs take off and come back and the elephants tear your heart out! And Mr. Ashley probably has had his hangover and been done with that and now you're doing chickens. Who says you're no SuperMom?

Anonymous said...

Ashley you should see something by now. I take a maglight flashlight and an empty toilet paper roll and go sit it the closet w/ the door closed and the lights off. Hold the flashlight between your legs (nice huh) and place the toilet paper holder upright on the light. Place the egg on top of the toilet paper holder. It makes a great candler :) Check out this site for pictures. It has a 6 day old chick on the bottom row so yours should be similar.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they actually had to plump up Eva Longoria. I only wish that was my problem. And yikes! Brittany Murphy is haggard.

KatBouska said...

My technorati rating did the same thing when I messed with my domain name. Keep pinging it...I don't know exactly what that's for, but every time you do it they say thank you and things seem to improve.

I think I'll write them a letter regarding the lack of fairness in the demotion.

Maybe I'll sleep with Mr. Technorati man to boost my ranking a bit.

I'll let you know what comes of that.

AFRo said...

LOL. I forgot about the baby chicks when I read the first sentence and thought, "WTF? Is she trying to get pregnant? I know I didn't miss a post for the last 6 months... or did I?"

I hope all is well with the embryos and I'll check my Technorati soon to see if I can help with your ranking issue. I'm still learning about all of that shit though.

Sasha said...

I know nothing about eggs or Technorati, but just wanted to say "Hey". Carry on.

Tiffany said...

It should tell those celebs something when they actually have to photoshop weight ONTO them to make them look good! I really liked most of the "before" shots better than the "after" shots. They looked like real people cause real people have skin that include pores, lines and freckles! Good luck with your eggs!

Monogram Momma said...

I just want to know what to do in Photoshop to make it look that flawless. If you know the trick, EMAIL IT TO ME!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I've just found your blog recently so I'm reading back over some earlier posts. What exactly is page rank? I'm sorta new so it's probably a dumb question, and I'm not even blonde. Blessings, marlene