Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sunday Born on Monday Kidman Urban

Sunday Rose Kidman Urban...who was born on a Monday?

Is it just me or does it sound like the beginning of a Shel Silverstein poem?

Sunday is a cute enough name, especially for a celebrity baby, but a Sunday born on a Monday? With Kidman Urban on top? It's just absurd and involves too many two syllable words.

Even Sunday Rose Urban would have been an adorable name, until the inevitable and awkward, "Cute, was she born on a Sunday?"

No. No, she was not. Close though. Monday just didn't have the same ring.


Becky said...

Well, it's better than "Apple" or "Pilot Inspektor," I guess.

I had a student a few years ago named December who was born in February.

Anonymous said...

LOL Ashley - Love the cruise idea!!

As for Sunday who was born on Monday...A friend of mine just had a baby girl on the 4th of July, they named her June. In their defense, she was due on the June 28th and they didn't bank on her coming to the party late!! LOL

Anonymous said...


Because I know you like random and useless information...

Kim P said...

Couldn't have put it better myself.

Anonymous said...

what, not mention of Matthew McConaughey's baby w/ out a name? Still stewing about his girl, huh?

Melodie said...

It makes you wonder if they thought it was still Sunday when they picked her name. My mom's friend was due to give birth to a daughter in November and had planned to name her November, but she didn't have her until December. She was about to name her daughter November when someone pointed out that it was no longer November. So, she just ended up naming her Amber instead.

Kim said...

Well, every Sunday Rose has its thorn, you know....

Kally said...

What could be worse than a Sunday born on a Monday? Being named after ice cream of course. Someone related to me is actually named Sundae. Pretty bad, huh?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was conceived on a Sunday.. ugh. I'm sure Sunday will be proud to say that when she's a teenager.

KatBouska said...

Maybe it's a religious thing...

Sasha said...

Well, they could have named her Sasha, that's almost as bad. A Russian male name that your mom decided to pronounce differently than everyone else does.

Caren said...

No, no, no, no, no. That's just wrong. I don't like the name Sunday at all but if you're not born on a Sunday, it's really bad. I had a student named Domingo one time, he was a nice little kid but when I asked him if he was born on a Sunday, he had no idea what I meant. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

i almost think it's more hokey to name the kid sunday if they are born on sunday...maybe it actually has some meaning behind it.

Sasha said...

Just thinking... could it have been Sunday in Australia when she was born??????

I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I have a mental block about time zones/intl date line, etc. I don't understand it, so I just rely on other people to figure it out for me.

Slacker Mama said...

I guess she is named after an Aussie artist's muse.

What I find weird is that together, Tom and Nicole name their kids Connor and Isabella. Apart, they go with Suri and Sunday.

Methinks they should have stayed together at least for this reason.

Jenn said...

Yeah... not really sure what's up with that... I guess they could pretend it was a Sunday? Or that it was a Sunday somewhere in the world? Not a bad name for a celeb baby though, just kinda weird...

Lacy Rose said...

Ashley-- remember like maybe 3+ months ago when you were going to update your blogroll?

How is that coming along?
I know your obligatory deadline of the 3 month thing and maybe its because of the chicken/candling/photo sessions etc...and thats totally cool.

Just wanted an update!

PS. I thinks we need some pics of the chicks.

I am quite the demanding little poster huh?

Anonymous said...

craptastic name all around.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Sasha has a good point.

I'm bad with time zones too. Can someone else figure it out for us?

Unknown said...

Publicity. All done in the name of Publicity.

Mom Of 3 said...

I havent commented in a while. But I just got all caught up from the move. LOL
Well I guess Sunday is an ok name, not what I would have picked but at least its not a fruit.

Lilian said...

OK..this is so true. Kid sister's childhood friend's name is 'Wonderful to Survey'. I'm not kidding. And...it's a boy! Who's apparently wonderful to survey.