That HR lady called me to set up an appointment for Monday and I called her back and left a message.
Let's hope I get this job...because my next stop will be the nearest daycare center for official little kid enrollment.
He requires a highly paid, very patient professional caregiver and I am not any of those things. He is wearing me down and making me totally insane.
I am trying to convince Girl Crush and the other new friend that we should co-op babysitting so that one of us has all 6 kids and the other two can go back to their home and clean or nap or sit on the couch and bask in the solitude. Because I don't want a babysitter so I can go out, I just want someone to take them away so I can sit here and enjoy my home and appreciate the fact that I am an individual human being who deserves quiet, and privacy in the bathroom, and the right to go an hour without being groped, grabbed or climbed on.
I've got to go get little kid out of the fucking silverware drawer. I'll either be back soon, or I'll run away forever.
Ok hope they have never read this or he surely will never get in:)
Hopefully they will be overcome with his cuteness and forgive him for all he does.
That little kid really seems to keep you on your toes. He it a cutie though.
My son never got into things but I am paying for it now because he is sooo dramatic and whiney that I find myself saying "is this normal"
I enrolled him in an acting class to put some of that drama to good use maybe he will make us all rich one day...who knows.
Just this morning I took my book in the bathroom and locked the door so I could get a few minutes alone. It lasted 5 minutes before both children were knocking on the door!
Good luck with the interview!
And God bless any daycare brave enough to take in lk.
I hear ya, sista. I've got a bagged packed and ready, just in case I have to make a quick getaway... Let me know if you do, in fact, decide to run... I'll meet ya.
So should I wait to have kids?? Or should I do it now and get it over with while I'm still young...geez. I'm exhausted just reading your post.
My daughter is the same age as lk and just as mischievous. Bless you. She is much better behaved at daycare if that gives you any hope...... :)
Catfish-you aren't so young anymore! Trust me, you need energy so don't wait too long!
Thanks "Mom"! Now I just need a bigger place so I have somewhere to put a kid...and thanks for letting me know I'm not that young anymore...geeesh.
Good luck! I think daycare will be good for him. A new place to terrorize for a while. And you deserve a break!
catfish - don't wait too long, you don't want to be like 45 and having to chase an insane toddler, that would suck. (no offense to older moms) Types like lk are pretty rare though, so don't let him scare you. I have 3 boys and they are all pretty tame so far. Ashly just got lucky :)
Daycare is the best! I used to feel guilty about taking my sweet boy but not anymore. Now I love knowing he is safe and sound not giving me a headache!
I seriously need somebody to help me understand what the point is in giving birth.
Forever I have heard horror stories. Then people wonder why I choose not to?
I have yet to hear a single 'pro' that is convincing enough.
That's just me. No offense to anyone.
Good luck on Monday! Kick ass!
Guess what -- I got a job too! Now we just need E to get one and all will be well.
Go us!
I'm torn between hoping I get a job soon and all my kids being in school with me not having anywhere I have to go!
Catfish: Do it while you're still young. Trust me! I had my first two in my early twenties, and my third in my early thirties (9 yrs. between #2 & #3). Even with the help of the two older girls, I am still exhausted taking care of the youngest.
Me: Maybe you should find other people to talk to about their kids. Mine have all been wonderful, and unlike poor Ashley, each of my babies was easier than the one before. And the love you receive from each of your children (even the e-bull ones) is SO worth any of the tough times.
Seriously, good luck on the interview.
I had to put Angry Toddler in preschool/daycare at 2 years old. He was exactly like LK. He's so much better now that he's in school.
Catfish, do it soon! That way you'll look hot in the maternity photos I'll get to take...
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