Thursday, July 17, 2008

Informed of My Former Fatness

Yesterday at the play date at Gymboree (where everyone made a big deal of seeing me, like I like), two different people said, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!" in a surprised way.

Instead of being happy, I'm a little shocked to know that I was clearly so fat before.

I think it just takes me two years to lose all baby weight.

Well, two years and some serious stress because it worked out like that both times.


Melodie said...

They think they're complimenting you, but it really is insulting, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I've been getting that a lot lately... I don't know if I'm flattered or insulted.....

Anonymous said...

how are you even supposed to respond to that?

Anonymous said...

If you're like me, it might take a year to get the weight off but another year to get it firmed back up!! Yes, it's a nice back handed compliment, heh?

AFRo said...

I'm 5 years out and still have another 20 lbs to drop. It's sad really.

Lisa said...

I can't wait until people notice that I've lost weight! But then, I'm fat...I can see why comments like that wouldn't feel good to someone who wasn't fat to begin with.

Some people just don't get it.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Just say "Thank You" and go on WITH.YOUR.SKINNY.SELF. No need to read into it.

Nikki said...

And why can't anyone be brave enough to tell us when we were fat?

Maddness of Me said...

I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. I went on an actual diet a couple of years ago and lost a little weight. Not anything I really *needed* to do, just wanted to. Wanted to try the healthy thing for a while and see how that made me feel. Side effect was some weight loss :)

People did that to me too. Way exaggerated. I started to get pissed. I had about 50 people (mostly work) come up and ask me how I did it... and a few even ask me if I got gastric bypass!!! Are you effing kidding me? You have to be like 100 pounds over weight for that shit... not 15.
