(Yes, I've still thought of nothing other than acquiring new chicks today)
The blue eggs are just so pretty. I think they would bring me so much delight. The chickens they come from look like your typical chickens too, which is what I had in mind. But maybe I should just go with the cheapest or most easily available eggs instead? And deprive myself the pleasure of a glimpse of Tiffany & co. blue every once in a while?
There are lots of interesting chicken breeds out there (bet you didn't know that), but in all honesty, the ones that don't look like your average "little red hen" kind of freak me out. Could I come to love a face like this:
Surely, as their mother, I would love them even if the sight of them sort of creeps me out, right? I don't think I could love one of those naked neck things, my dad had one and it scared me, plus her neck always got sunburned. The silkies and frizzles are a little bit cute though, in a troll-doll sort of way. Perhaps the look would grow on me?
Also, can I confess that chicken feet really creep me out? Turkey feet are the worst, gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about them. I was going to provide a photo, but it's really hard to find a photo of chicken feet still attached to the chicken. I'm way more traumatized now.
The ick factor will go away once they are my very own babies, right? If I have a chance to gradually adjust to the growing feet and/or the odd looking chicks, things should be fine, correct? That must be how it works for the parents of ugly children, because they all seem to love their kids just as much as the rest of us love our cute ones.
I don't know... I think I'd rather have cute chicks. I know those of us who have gorgeous children think we'd love an ugly child just as much, but how do we really know that? We don't.
the blue ones ARE pretty ;)
Those eggs are pretty...very Martha Stewart-ish. Those chicks are pretty freaky, no doubt about it.
I'm not so sure about chicks with faux-hawks. I would stick with the regular looking ones for now!
LMAO at the ugly kid comment!!!!
Thanks I needed that. :)
Hey, I have an online friend who is totally devoted to her chickens: http://journals.aol.com/fowfies/the-new-chicken-chronicles/
Ok -- I am loving your obsession with the chicks! But, I could never do it. Chicken feet, chicken feathers, chicken poop, all freak me out. I'll stick to dogs and kids thank you very much. But I will live via you and your trials and tribulations in the chick world!
How do the chickens in the last picture see where they are going?
Love the blue eggs!
Good luck on your search...and I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to get a little bit of joy looking at something otherwise so ordinary...
Is it just me? I kind of like those fluffy, puff-ball ones... The first one and the bare-neck one are pretty creepy, but I think I may could learn to love that second one, too. The blue eggs would definitely make me smile.
Sorry but I think the real creepy part is that at least 2 pictures look like the chickens are INSIDE!!!
I am jealous and would love to have fresh eggs!! Never thought of buying them on ebay though
I LOVE the fluffy chickens, I would call them my Fancy Chickens if I had some, and I bet they come in blue eggs!
those are some messed up chickens
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