Friday, July 11, 2008

Boom Then Crash

HERE is a really depressing, but accurate article about the dismal outlook in Florida right now.

I am seeing it all around me. It's unbelievable how far so many have fallen.

Let's pray for a non-existent hurricane season.


Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in South Florida/east coast. I saw this coming years ago. Got out when I was 14 and have never looked back. They need to quit putting so much attention towards tourists and start buffing up what is already there and detiorating. It's a shame.

Mitch said...

As if I wasn't depressed enough. Thanks, Ashley!

Why did I think it was a good idea to move here three years ago?

Scary Mommy said...

Oy. That is depressing. Times are shitty.

Life, Love And Lola said...

I'm seeing it too! It SUCKS!

Unknown said...

All of those problems exist almost everywhere - just not to the extent that they're apparent in Florida. And most other places don't have hurricanes. Well, we DO have tornadoes, which are like little mini-hurricanes. But still, they wouldn't cost us 150 billion even on a really bad day.

Jane Doe said...

It's surprising just how bad it is. My estate management business (for high end clients) is down to a handful of clients. Police officers can't go on patrol because they can't afford the gas. Stores across the country, like grocery and drug are trying to find a way to run on skeleton crews so that they can save money. The housing market fell out in Arizona again. The sad part is the same people who bought up so much and blew it up and made a profit are doing it again already. Every challenge seems to fall on the back of the middle class. From fighting wars in the middle east to losing their homes.

I'm seriously scared. How much do we not know?

Joy said...

And to think I am off to the great Florida in a matter of days! At least I am adding to the tourist dollars.

Anonymous said...

Our house is on the market. HA! IF it ever sells... we are leaving Florida.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I wish we could leave this state! But not sure where I would want to go....

Anonymous said...

PLEASE don't say the "H" word! It's voodoo, bad luck.

Melodie said...

I'm lucky, in that most of the current woes of the Florida economy aren't affecting my family at all.
And the only reason that a major hurricane could cause $150 million of destruction is because Florida has become so overcrowded these days. The more stuff there is here, the more stuff there is to destroy.

Anonymous said...

I'm in florida as well.
My husband and I are 26 and 27. He finally was able to get his residential contractors license in 2006. A goal he had been working towards for almost 10years.
Then after all the insurances and working to save money to start his business, the market crashes.
He quit college to build custom homes and now we have little to no work, we lost our health insurance, and we can't afford to pay more than 500$ a month for rent. We have little hope of having our own home and we feel trapped in Florida.
As I speak my inlaws are foreclosing. They own our house as well and we don't know if they will lose it.
We live 2 hours from Disney and can't afford to go.

Florida sucks.

Maddness of Me said...

In Michigan, we tell a similar story only we have depended on cars for too long.

I hate to say this outloud, but reading about Florida makes me feel like a whiney baby and sortof grateful in a way.

Is that bad to say out loud? Selfish, yes. I'm sorry. I try to pay it forward as much as I can to make up for that. Really I do.

They call *us* a one state recession, bah humbug.

Hang in there. Only a few more months to go before there is a change I'm sure will be positive.

And, I've heard some more serious rumblings of impeachment the last few days. And war crimes.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. They need to go after this jerk.

Just Lisa said...

Times are tough everywhere... it's no picnic here in California, either. God there's still entertaining blogs to read!

Anonymous said...

this may sound crazy, but a hurricane may help. Banks would put foreclosures on "hold", IRS doesn't hassle people with hurricane problems, construction workers would be back to work, banks would be sending appraisers and inspectors back out to see if anything is standing and it would be one more exscuse for he situation we are in. Not good for the Insurance companies but...