Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This Is It

I have had a migraine since yesterday and I'm pretty sure it's going to kill me.

I know I've claimed that I was dying in the past, but I'm pretty sure this is it.

If I die, make sure I am cremated and then take the Closet Cruise without me. Well, without all of me, my cremains will be present. I still expect to sit at the captain's table and be out on the dance floor, and for everyone to talk about how pretty and fun I am...and then dump me in the Caribbean somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's a pisser.

Hope you feel better soon Ashley!

Unknown said...

Oh that sucks. Ice pack on bad of neck while taking a very hot shower works now and then. Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ashley...migraines suck! believe me...I know! Take a percocet or other hard drug and sleep in a dark room...that usually does the trick for me...