You know how if you are reading the comments (as you all should be, sometimes that's the funniest part) and click on the commenter's name link, their blog opens in a itty bitty box? The size of the comment box?
I was bitching about that not too long ago, and I just figured out if you right click on the link it will let you open it in a new window. I'm sure some of you knew that, being that there are thousands of you out there, yet no one could recommend this life-changing solution to me?
What the heck is wrong with you people?
For all of you who didn't know, now you do. It was a major deterrent in me checking out other people's blogs and I'm pretty proud of myself for stumbling upon a solution by myself (yet still disappointed in those of you who knew that and read the entry where I bitched about it.)
Oh, wow! I just tried that and it IS so much easier. Thanks for the info.
Hmmm. Well, I have no idea what you are talking about, but I certainly would have helped if I knew you had a problem. For me, when I click on people's name links their blogger profile comes up regular sized. Then I have to click their blog name which also pops up regular sized. I'm confused!
Hmm I didn't know that either. Thanks I'll have to give it a try!
Holy Shit. Thank you so friggin much Ashley! It has always pissed me off.
I second Mitch- I have no idea what you're talking about, because when I click on someone's name I get their blogger profile, which I can then click through to their blog. D'oh! Don't get it!
This is news to me. I just tried it out on Melodie and saw her blog. Beautiful girls! Thanks for the tip.
or--if you have a middle click button, like the scroll one-you can click it down and it opens it in a new tab.
er...hopefully this works for others, and not something my nerdy husband has just set up for us.
im totally addicted to it.
its the best!
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