Saturday, June 28, 2008


Years ago I got a ginormous roll of white butcher paper from Sam's. The Kids draw on it all of the time and I think it could easily last until they go off to college.

I rolled a big length out for little kid so he could draw and set him loose with some markers. He hunkered down, drew a perfect circle, and looked up and said "O"! I think this is the by product of living with alphabet-obsessed Big Kid, but I'm surprised he was capable of this.

His body is now covered in multi-colored marker graffiti and he has a whole series of different colored Os (that have gotten way sloppier in his confidence) and every time he completes one he smiles, throws his arms in the air triumphantly and shouts "da da da" (which seems to be his version of ta-da, because it is definitely a cry of accomplishment.)

Big Kid is impressed with the effort, but seriously disturbed by the sloppiness. He's itching to help by contributing some perfect circles and little kid is telling him "no no no" which is fair since he's never allowed to draw on Big Kid's papers.

Big Kid is talking A LOT today. Lots of "look at me, look at this, will you play with me?" requests. There's only so much I can do. Right now he's walking around the kitchen island counting (he's up to 60) and it's pretty annoying. It's almost impossible to think with constant, around the clock chatter.

little kid just raided the craft cupboard and came out with unauthorized supplies. Man, these kids are annoying.


Mrs. Schmitty said...

Great job Little Kid. My R. practiced writing her i's on her newly painted wall the other day. That's why the unauthorized supplies are now hidden as high up and out of reach as possible.

Angie said...

Hmmm, your day sounds a bit like mine. My LK dumped a can of corn meal on the floor after getting into a forbidden cabinet. I've been playing with my BK since the LK went to bed and he won't stop talking!! I'm ready to pull out my hair.

AFRo said...

I'm loving the new blog look. It's really clean over here...

Mitch said...

Bejebus! I'm gone for 5 minutes and all of a sudden the "sleeping lady" (as ray calls her) is gone and you are all miss innocent! What happened?

Steff said...

Craft Cupboard?
I have a 'Craft Box.'

I can't wait to grow up, and get my own craft cupboard!

Anonymous said...

I am glad the picture at the top is back. My daughter (the one with the mullet like LK) calls her Barbie, and will actually sit still on my lap while I read your blog. If "Barbie" was gone, I might actually have to parent her instead of introducing her to your blog (she is 16 months).

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it until we have pictures!

Salty Incisor said...

Hey my oldest was alphabet obsessed the next one wasnt and the third one is genetic? My son used to poop and make me come look at what letter it was!

Maddness of Me said...

I think he has just been watching too much Oprah and is loving that O diamond necklace of hers.

Danielle said...

I'm sooooo getting caught up. I had 40 posts of yours in my feed reader and am getting through them...

This is a fantastic idea, the butcher paper for coloring! I love it and will steal it!!