I'm sure he's a total jerk and reeks of nasty cigarettes, but strangely, I think that's part of the appeal.
I liked him and Jennifer Aniston together. Don't get me started on her and this John Mayer thing. I don't get it. I think he's a man-whore and I don't even understand how or why he is able to be a man-whore, he reminds me of Edward Scissorhands. Look:

And not in a good way like Vince.
Love this post! John Mayer totally creeps me out and I have an unparalleled hatred for that "your body is a wonderland" song.
Um, I think VV is such a putz. ITA on everything else though!
I agree. John Mayer is definitely gross. He must have a nice package or something.
I am totally in love with Vince! I'm a sucker for assholes, and I have a feeling he's right up there on the list of All-time Biggest Assholes ever. So dreamy!
I totally agree-I just don't see the appeal!
I have always loved me some Vince but honestly can't put a finger om why since he is totally out of my norm. I think it's the sarcasm and the voice....or maybe it's the "dick head" factor cuz I'm sure he is one.
Love the John Scissorhands pics- didn't even realize why he looked so familiar, lol.
I'm so glad you mentioned the John Mayer thing. What is the attraction there? I just don't see it. His personality or "something" must be un-freakin-believable!
I agree, I do not know what she sees in him...Though I never got what she saw in Vince either though. She is so pretty and I would think she would have so many other better options.
Milk, Breathe and Margaritas, aka Amy, (skinny woman, with a tummy tuck who drinks snake milk and writes books) said WE needed to check you out. You’re pretty funny. I got my reader on you.
Vince just doesn't do anything for me and neither does John Mayer. I will never understand the appeal of that guy, sexually or musically.
Hell yeah! I'm on board with the VV thing!!! Can't put my finger on exactly what it is but DAMN!! I think I may like asshole bad boys!! Have you seen Clay Pigeons? If not SEE IT!!!! He's a super hot killer cowboy in it!
I heart Vince for the same reason - I bet he's a riot to party with.
OMG - John is so preeeeeettyyyyyyy! And I bet he knows where to get the good stuff, if you know what I mean. ;)
I find Vince strangely appealing, too. I don't kid myself, he probably farts in bed then fluffs the covers, but that won't ever be my problem. So who cares? John Mayer on the other hand, just skeeves me out. He looke like the type who is more worried about your weight than you are and who needs that shit? I just know he is an asshole.
Lisa O
I love Vince, too. He's so funny and annoying - just like me!
As for John, I have to disagree with you on that one. I love him, but mostly for his musical abilities. He can play the shit out of a guitar. His blues stuff is the best, though, but not as popular. I saw him in concert last summer, and his show was phenominal!
I do agree that John has turned out to be a major man-whore. He seems to just bounce around from woman to woman with no rhyme or reason to his taste in women. And I'll never understand what he saw in Jessica Simpson, but then again, I don't know what anyone sees in her!
Oh..... anyone who doesn't see the Vince appeal hasn't seen Swingers, I guaran-damn-tee it. That movie will do it for you.
"Baby, you're so money, and you don't even know it."
Ok....Vince is totally hot....but did anyone see Johnny Depp on the MTV Awards the other night?
He was hot, hot , hot and I don't usually go for him.
But still...hot!
Hahahaha! Oh wow. Yeah, John Mayer is ugly. I also prefer Vince.
I find Vince very hot!
Thank you for thinking he looks like Edward Scissorhands too. I have thought that for a while. I just don't see what all those women see in him.
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