Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Time Out

little kid just had his first time out strapped into the extra car seat that we have, facing the corner. It felt a little strange harnessing him up as punishment, but I did it (happily).

I let him out after two minutes, and he spent the following ten minutes quietly studying the locking mechanism with intense concentration.

Let's hope it takes him a while to figure it out.


Anonymous said...

i love it! of course he was trying to figure out what he's up against... he will eventually get it figured out for sure!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, that is hysterical. AND a great idea.

Unknown said...

If he figures it out there is always rope. Or you could use a really long scarf, then you won't feel so bad about tying him in.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Knowing your brilliant child, it's only a matter of time before he figures that out. Make sure it's snug or he'll wiggle his way out of the arm straps, but I'm sure you've already thought of that. Go mom!!!

Unknown said...


Slacker Mama said...

Maybe you could put him in a safe. That way, if he learns to open the lock he can earn you the big bucks as the next Houdini...or a bank robber.

Shasta Escargot said...

I feel 2 yo daughter and little kid have a psychic connection. Trust me, if he's anything like mine he'll have the car seat figured out by tomorrow morning....for realz.

Melodie said...

Well, if it doesn't take him long to figure it out, then you'll know for sure... You have an evil genius on your hands! Let's hope he's a little less smart and a lot less evil, though.

Jennifer said...

Ha ha, sounds like he may have met his match with the car seat punishment!

Denise said...

I'm cracking up trying to picture his time out!! ha. good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you're not getting him interested in bondage! ha!

Wendy Baubach said...

that's funny....I can just imagine those wheels turning in that head....great post

tgillock said...

I love this time out method! We did this with my oldest daughter. She would NOT say in time out. So Our Ped told us about this and man did it work!!! Middle sister didn't need it, I have a feeling baby sister will need it.