Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ashley: Gramps has been collecting eggs for our incubator, and one day we're going to have baby chicks.

Big Kid: Dat will be cool but I don't want dem near my face, or else dey'll peck at my eyes and stuffs.

Ashley: No they won't, they'll have known us forever. Did you know that the first large moving object a chick sees as it is hatching out of the egg becomes it's mom? So if a chick was hatching and it looked at you first, it would think you were it's mother!

Big Kid: I can't be a mudder, I'm dest a kid.

Ashley: Sure you can, you can be a mom to our chicks.

Big Kid: I don't know. I don't know if I want to be da mudder. I dest like bein' a kid. I guess I'll twy it and if I don't like it, I'll dest gib up.

Ashley: Well you can't give up on being someone's mother. What if I gave up?

Big Kid: (thinks for a moment, looking very concerned) ...I don't fink you can. Hmmm. I'll dest make sure da chicks don't see me den.

I've found myself a hatching mentor. She just hatched ducklings. Go see how cute!


Wendy Baubach said...

LMAO...that's cute...

Life, Love And Lola said...

Those ducklings are too stinking cute!
Love the conversation between you and Big Kid being a modder isn't easy...I think he gets it!

Dainty Cakes Tampa said...

BK is right. All birds (including cute little chicks) are freaking evil. They will peck your eyes out if they get a chance.

KatBouska said...

I don't think I can describe in words how much I love BK. I mean. I REALLY love him.

He's smarter than most of my friends.

Anonymous said...

I love Big Kid...

Anonymous said...

Such a cute conversation. I'm sad after looking at the pics and reading that some died. :( I don't know why I didn't assume some would, but still. Sad.

Anonymous said...

The ducklings are doing great. I'd stick to chickens if I were you because I seriously had an anxiety attack until all those little buggers were hatched out. We have six silkie eggs in our incubator right now and they are due in about a week and a half. I'm not sure how they'll do because the last batch (from the same breeder) only had one viable chick and it later passed away. Good luck! What sort of chicks are you gonna get? Rockstars like mine ;-)?

Multislacking Mama said...

That BK is so adorable. I wants to squeeze hims.


Cassie said...

So funny! Hey at least he gets the whole motherhood being hard thing. Maybe he'll remember that when he's older!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley, there's a bunch of chicks (couldn't resist) hatching eggs over on the Jan 06 board. Like 2 or 3 people raising them for eggs and food. I think one might have ducks, too.

Anonymous said...

Jonah Lisa, that's me. I'm on your birthboard :-). It's Jennette and I (Queenieofmycastle & Mommazilla).

Amy said...

So cute! BK and the little chicks.