Somewhere between 5 and 7 times a day, Big Kid stops what's doing, wrinkles his nose, and says, "I smell poop. Mommy? Mudder? I fink I smell poop."
Of course I try to delay the inevitable for a moment, hoping against hope that he's wrong and it's a false alarm. "Are you sure?"
At this point he usually points his nose in little kid's general direction and confirms his suspicions. Today he even grabbed his pudgy arm and peeked into the back of his diaper. "Yeah. Eww. You need to change his diaper. I don't wanna haf to be smellin' poop."
I don't really enjoy being ordered around, so sometimes just to upset him I tell him that he should have to do it; that if you find the poop, you clean it up. That always gets an indignant, "I'm not his mudder, I'm not gonna do it."
Once I even offered him a twenty...still turned me down.
He also always finds the dog poop. Always.
Thanks for your vigilance, Big Kid.
I'll do it for $20. At the rate I'm going at my house, that would earn me a minimum of $40/day! Maybe I can make enough to buy you that crib tent.
He hasn't crawled out since!! I'm hoping he's forgotten or something...
Sounds like my day. I babysit a 1 yr old and I get told many times a day "Mommy ___ is stinky change her diaper" and if I ignore her which I also usually try to do to avoid the inevitable, she will yell at me to change it now.
Only good thing about it is now I am getting paid $$$$ to change poopy diapers! I had thought my poopy diaper days were over after I get my little potty trained, but I was wrong.
Are you telling me that little kid poops 5-7 times a day? HOLY SMOKES!
LOL! Some of that is Murphy's doing. He's only so-so on the potty training. We're pretty much failing potty training all around in the Ashley household.
I am telling ya M&M's they worked for both of my kids. Pretty sure though the dog can't have them:)
my son refused to go to preschool for a couple of weeks because of how horribly the udder kids smelled. finally, they all became potty trained...and i was able to send my son to school without a clothespin on his nose!
Poop is precisely why our BK is adamantly against another baby. It's the only reason that he sites when asked about the prospect of another child.
"Babies are just stinky mom. All they do is eat and poop. They're gross."
He's got a strong sniffer! LOL I love how you write the way he speaks. It makes it that much funnier!
Ray (almost 4) does the exact same thing. Every once and awhile she'll drop what she's doing and check Chay's diaper. If there's poop, she reports it. If there's not poop, she also reports it. Its hilarious!
In my house it's the big kid's poop I am dealing with. He's almost 5 and after he poops he comes running to wherever we are and asks "did I get it all?" I actually prefer to change the baby's diapers over checking butt crack for poop remnants
I think BK is old enough to have the dog poop as his chore ;)
Especially if he is able to point it out now.
Good job BK!
my daughter was the same way as BK. it is pretty funny that even $$$ wont get them to do that hideous job! i am potty-training right now, because i dot think i can wipe that 3 yr olds butt anymore!
One of my biggest pet peeves is being bossed around by little kids. They do it a lot to me here and usually it's when I'm pulling food out of the oven with a baby on my hip while shooing a small tot from the oven with my oven mit.
"Miss Kathy??? Freddy smells Miss Kathy, Freddy smell...Miss Kathy Freddy needs a diaper, you need to change his diaper Miss Kathy...ewww, Miss Kathy he still stinks..." Drives me bat crazy is what it does.
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