Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kid Physics

Although it's a little annoying to have one more mouth in the house, and one more person who needs something sometimes, somehow more kids = less kids in the long run.

Sure, sometimes I still want to hit people, but all in all, they keep each other busy. Even little kid. THAT is the delightful part about this arrangement. If I could be sure that it would always work out this way, I'd adopt us a child. Just to keep little kid busy and quiet.

That's why the Duggars have so many kids. 18 kids probably = -9 kids somehow. And you'd have built in housekeepers if you trained them right.


Maddness of Me said...

Yes yes yes. We have just one and she equals 37 because if there are no friends around (which is a situation in and of itself, no I am not your cruise director) then she looks to us (ME) to bounce off of.

I am about to resort to what my parents did...

your bored? oh good, then do I have some chores for YOU!

Unknown said...

You're right. The problem often is, though, the training process itself. sometimes the little buggers are VERY resistant to training and then you need a whip and a chair.

queen foodie said...

That is exactly the reason I love having friends over for my kids. They keep each other company and I can do all those really fun things I love to do around the house (she says sarcastically). More kids does equal less kids.

Lynda Kay said...

Emmer's mouth=3 mouths least they're being pretty good! Don't worry, i'm coming to pick her up soon....(maybe)

Ashley said...

I've witnessed this phenomenon myself and I agree. That's why I had another.

But on the other hand, being from Arkansas I can rightfully say the Duggars are nuts. End of story.

Renee said...

I totally agree with this! My four definitely entertain each other most of the time, and very little is actually required of me in terms of stimulation, ideas, entertainment, imagination, or organized activities. And they do help with chores - you should see William sweeping while David holds the dust pan - so cute! And they are surprisingly good at this stuff. Have another one - you'll see!! ;)

-The Renee

Anonymous said...

I'm so hoping this holds true for me once my little tot grows up and can help entertain his energetic sister.

I don't think the Duggars are crazy. I definitely can't even begin to think past 2 children, but I've watched their show and I think they're amazing!!! Their children are all well behaved, respectful, responsible, I could go on and on. The parents are calm, effective, loving, etc. Their home is beautiful and they've worked hard to get where they're at. I'm sure the TV show helps a bit, too. I'm in awe of these people!

You go, Ashley. Have another. We'll all through you a "virtual" baby shower and mail you presents to a PO box. ;-)

AFRo said...

Let's leave the Duggars out of this scenario. Theirs is a completely different animal... you know this. 18 kids = 18 slaves.

Judy said...

LMAO, I have never thought of it that way!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I so agree....