Monday, June 23, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Our cable went out today, so I was without internet, television and phone all afternoon. When I figured out that the internetz was really gone, I lapsed into a coma almost immediately. Some would've called it a nap, but it was more than that. When I came to again, the internetz was back, but Blogger was down.

It was awful.

I'm back now though, and think I pulled through like a real trooper.


Maddness of Me said...

Sounds like withdrawal symptoms :)

Melodie said...

I know how you feel. Some construction workers cut through my Fios line one day a couple of months ago and I was without phone, internet, and TV for more than a day. I just sat around trying to figure out what to do. It was like I knew that I had done stuff before the internet, but I couldn't remember what it was.

Anonymous said...

Do you have anymore valume left?

Anonymous said...

OMG How scary! I am so sorry to hear about your internet loss. Please know that my thoughts are with you. Thank God you made it through ok. If I didn't have my my internet/cable I think I would shoot myself. I think you should sue the cable company for pain and anguish.

absurdly yours said...

Sometimes Jose' Cuervo can assist in the coma department when really needed.....LOL!

Audubon Ron said...

Are you sure you didn’t lapse into a nightmare?

Mama Bee said...

OMG Your blog is hysterical! I just found you through RO at and I love you already! (not in a creepy stalker way, but in a nice simpatico mommy way) :) Keep it up!