Wednesday, June 18, 2008

little kid Hops

little kid has been working on his jumping, and from the knees up he's had it down for quite a while. He just can't seem to get those pesky feet off of the ground. The rest of his body's got it, face contorted with concentration and excitement, pudgy little arms swinging, torso lurching...but those feet remain cemented on the floor.

However, in the middle of dinner tonight, he stood up and jumped. A perfect little hop. He was so delighted that he threw himself into more jumps whole heartedly, but they ranged from small leaps, to lurching steps, to more cemented to the floor attempts, with no more real success stories.

He is totally delighted with himself though, and I don't imagine that he'll be finishing dinner.


Marie said...


Melodie said...

Way to go, lk!

Lauren said...

Way to go little kid!

Anonymous said...

too cute!!

queenstella said...

DS and DH are both appalled at the gun to the head of the cute little cat -- I am LOL at their indignation.

jenn said...

Woo-hoo, little kid!

Mitch said...

Yeah, lk! Chay ( who is an August
'06 kid too) has also learned to jump. Unfortunately, he jumps from the night table to the bed/ the chair to the couch/ the coffee table to the floor...

I'm sorry that lk has learned to jump.

Anonymous said...

Go Little, has he also mastered the one leg slipover on the way to climbing out of the crib?

Multislacking Mama said...

Go LK! Tell him that LLM has also learned how to jump. So, it takes forever to get out of the house and into the car because she has to hop the whole way.

Whenever we finally get married, I think we will need lots of meds if these 2 are ever going to be around one another. I assume they will be at family beach days and perhaps on the holidaze.... We should totally hire a sitter for each LK and LLM so that we can enjoy our ritas in peace.

Lurve to you, Momma-

Unknown said...

That is the cutest picture in my head ever. LOL! Thanks!

Maddness of Me said...

Crackers can't jump.
