I tried again this morning and I'm just not capable.
So, things are going to look a little strange around here while I email all relevant log in names and passwords to our friend Sasha and wait patiently until she can assist us.
Eventually, in theory, the whole closet is moving over to www.ashleyquitefrankly.com, and I'll be harassing all of you to please change your links (I love to be linked to, by the way) and all that, but supposedly it will just redirect all of us over there so no one gets left behind in the move.
We shall see.
Yea. I e-mailed Sasha too. I need to change mine over to AngryJulieMonday dot com. I need to buy the domain first.....though....
Take a deep breath, it's gonna be alright. ;)
So what do you think?????
Yeah this stuff can be frustrating!!! I was screwing around on Dreamweaver a few months ago. I worked so hard and created my page (hours and hours) and then it wouldn't work on blogger! I was so mad!
Hey, good job!!
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