Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm Home

with a full memory card, some observations on Goodwill employees, 1 incubator, 14 eggs and a 3 month old baby girl.

That's right, I came home with a baby girl.

Crazy, huh?


Anonymous said...

I real curious about this egg growing thing...research I must.

Maddness of Me said...

did you get her from Goodwill?

Lynda Kay said...

Did you observe a goodwill employee not watching their 3 month old baby while they're working?

Marie said...

Oooh I will take her, I bet she is all chubby and cute.

Life, Love And Lola said...

That's quite a combination of items to come home with. Whose baby did you steal?

Wendy Baubach said...

that's..ummmmmmmmmm....nice Ashley...I can honestly say I have never brought home...a incubator...but the 3 month old is a

jenn said...

a baby girl WHAT?

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

what did you trade in little kid? he was your best blogging material....

Anonymous said...

wow, it's just amazing what you can find at goodwill!

Kate said...

If you like her, I have a couple of slightly older versions of the Baby girl model I'll be happy to donate to you.

Joy said...

I can not wait to hear all about hatching some baby chickens, oh yea and the baby girl you picked up at Goodwill.

KatBouska said...

I got a baby off Craigslist a few weeks's the new black.

Anonymous said...

bet you start wanting another baby soon ;)

Unknown said...

bet not ;-)

Anonymous said...

Is she a keeper or a loaner?

I hope you are typing up the story RIGHT NOW.

Maddness of Me said...

Don't let lk poop on her.

Anonymous said...

I'll take Kate's girls, but when I take them, it's for keeps!

OMG! A little girl. I'd love the stories that would bring. I just can hear the stories of things LK got into while you were taking care of the baby girl. Too good!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes, chickens. Have fun. have you checked with your city/county ordinances about whether or not you're allowed to keep livestock? Do you know how much they poop and HOW BAD the poop stinks? My husband at one time wanted chickens...thank GOD our county ordinances don't allow for ANY kind of livestock on less than 2 acres. Here's a website if you want any more info on raising chickens:

Good luck!!

Mitch said...

Do you even know what to do with a little girl? Oh, wait. She's still a baby. They just pee and poop like boys, so you should be just fine! Have fun. But don't put her in the incubator (just a hint ;)

Renee said...

I'm seeing little babies all over the place these days. I wish I could borrow one for a few hours! I haven't held a small baby since David was a small baby. :(

-The Renee

Anonymous said...

Way to Thrift Ashley!!!
You go Girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that is bargain shopping at it's finest!