at the following comment, left in regards to the Duggar post:
I think that is tacky and judgmental, personally.
Who cares if they want to have 30 kids? Just because you wouldn't do it, doesn't make it WRONG.
First, when on Earth did I claim not to be tacky or judgmental? Hell-ooo, the words fuck and weiner gobbler are in the actual introduction to my website. I'd bet my baby that you found me through the parenting forum where my signature is my weiner gobbler business card and the words "don't click here if you're easily offended".
(I'd even go so far as to guess that you're one of the scrapbookers that are ticked because I pointed out that your friend can't sue a glue company because their bottle says washable and yet the gobs of it that a two year old smeared in his hair aren't coming out. You are a scrappy little group.)
As far as being judgmental goes, I have a theory that everyone is judgmental to an extent and if they deny it, they're lying or unaware. It's human nature and animal instinct to perceive differences in others and change your opinion of them or behavior around them accordingly. A friend of mine and I have a long running debate going about this and whether or not being judgmental of someone or having a negative opinion of someone are the same thing. So yeah, I'm judgmental. Even tacky most of the time. So sue me.
I do want to state for the record that in a debate, I always take the Duggars side. It comes up ALL THE TIME on Babycenter and I say as long as they can afford them and provide for them, rock on with their bad selves. Do I personally think it is INSANE to have a million kids (somewhere between 16-18 these days I think)? Hell yes I do. Do I think it's a little selfish even? Yes, I do. That oldest child has probably never even spent a full year without his mom being pregnant or having a newborn in the house. Do I think vaginas should be clown cars? No, generally I don't.
Whatever though. It affects me 0%. I'm impressed. They've got their shit together. Maybe they'll take my two. I do think she needs to go on extreme makeover and lose the mullet but it would be tacky and judgmental of me to say so. ;-)
I just wanted to clear up any confusion regarding my feelings for Michelle Duggar. I hold her and her poor tired va-jay-jay in the highest esteem and wish I was even 2% as on top of things as she is. As I type this, little kid is sitting on top of the side table throwing small toys into the Christmas tree. Yeah, I probably don't need one more kid. Actually, if I could get a couple of older kids, I could make this work. Set up a buddy system. Spend more time on the couch. Yes, Yes, I do need more kids. Some older ones.
Edited to add: Yeah, my Christmas tree is STILL up. Talk about tacky.
Screw 'em. It's your blog, say whatcha want.
Everytime I think about Michelle Duggar I think of 2 things: 1) Andrea Yates and 2) Margaret Sanger. Andrea Yates because she had a bunch of kids, mostly because of her husband's off the wall "religious" (read: cultish) beliefs and we all know what happened there. (I'm not making light of her situation, it breaks my heart to think of those kids). Margaret Sanger because she fought for birth control rights because her mother died after being pregnant 18 times. She believed that women weren't designed to be baby making machines. Michelle would do well to read up on both of these women. There are lessons to be learned from their stories.
Oh well. It took me a while to catch on to your particular brand of humor. This person will too, and if they don't, they're going to miss out on some laughs. Their loss.
Actually the Duggars' oldest son was actually an only child for a while. Michelle was on the pill after he was born and got pregnant anyway and then had a miscarriage. After the miscarriage, they were convinced that it was because of the birth control pills and vowed to never use BC again and to let God give them as many children as he wished. The rest of the children are the ones who have not have much one on one time with Momma.
My stepsister still has 80's claw bangs and homeschools her 4 children. She recently got her tubes untied and is carrying the 5th child. I call her Duggar, but only to myself because I don't speak to that crazy bitch.
You're not tacky because your tree is still up. You're just honoring the rule of leaving up your tree until the 6th of January (the Epiphany).
Yeah, that's the ticket. You're just religious........
Being judgmental is not the same as having a negative opinion about someone. Most of the time we judge one thing about someone and that doesn't usually change our opinion about them (ie.
"Why did she wear those shoes with that shirt? does not equal "she is so tacky"--not the best example but I'm not as witty as Mrs. Ashley).
Also, my tree will be up until tomorrow. My Momma always left ours up until Epiphany (though we always had a real tree and never got it until just before Christmas and mine is fake and has been up since the beginning of December).
Judgemental or not it's freakin' insane to have that many kids. My two drive me up a wall - no way I could have 18 or however many she has. The fact that she plans on having more is just nasty to me. I really don't get how they afford it. How is that possible?
jim bob duggar is so sexy.
i thought it was hysterical. scared the crap out of me actually because i adopted my kids and i still get a little queasy at the thought of birthing one much less a freaking army. yikes!
I'm glad you mentioned the glue "disaster". I have been lmao about that one. Sometimes I'll just be sitting here and start to giggle. Now I am not about to put my toe in that pond....but I'm glad you saw that shit was funny too!
Do I think it's a little selfish even? Yes, I do.
in response to this i totally agree. its not fair to the kids to have so many they dont all get attention from their parents. time wise it would be impossible to show equal affection and attention to that many kids. have a few and love them to pieces. spend time with them and enjoy them!
When I see the Duggars, all I can think is: Braces times 18. Or however many. My oldest had them TWICE. They cost about $3,000 each time. $3,000 times what, 18? You do the freaking math. How do they do it? Not only that but immunizations, doctor visits, can you imagine that house when they all get a stomach virus? Or strep? i'm sorry, I can't help it. These are the nightmares of having children, and you multiply it times 18 or 20. It's insane. I know they shop at the Salvation Army store and she is incredibly organized but still. I don't know whether I am in awe of them or think they are insane. They seem incredibly happy, too and the children so well behaved...I have to stop thinking about the Duggars or *I* will go insane.
I love you! You say exactly what I am thinking. OOH-the only thing worse than Crapbookers are Crapbookers in "MOPS"
the clown car comment is too funny
the18 kids thing is not for me either, but they seem very nice and are self supporting, so to each his own
Maybe I can send my 2 to her and she can shape them up and they will learn to behave. Seriously the money it must cost to feed them!
my tree is still up too. very funny post.
Well, you've got to offend some group of people not that you've dispelled the whole "Ashley is antisemetic" rumor.
Hey now Queeny, I have been know to scrapbook on occasion (though I have nothing to do with the BBC sniper group) and MOPS is the highlight of my week. I think you just might be an anti-scrapper-mopperite, and I'm not sure I like it.
Can you talk to my husband? Because he thinks it was heartless of me to take down the Christmas tree on January 2nd. I tell him it's tacky to leave it up. Since you've already admitted to being tacky AND we're personal friends, it would be great if you could let him know I'm right.
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