Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Naked Party

The other day my mom was in the car with me and the kids when she mentioned something about dropping by the condo.

Big Kid: We could have a party dere!

My Mom: A party? At the condo? That would be fun.

Big Kid: It would have to be a naked party.

My Mom: A Naked party?!?

Big Kid: Yes, all of our fwiends would be dere and we would be naked and dancin' and stuffs. We always have naked parties wif our fwiends at da condo. My mudder is dere and da ladies are dere and all the kids are dere too.

My Mom: (Drilling holes in my head with her eyes) What is he talking about?

He does have a way with words, doesn't he? Can you even imagine if he's telling The Jews this sort of stuff? Holy crap on a stick.

I'm sure you all remember when The Renee and I vacationed in a beachside condo this summer. Well, one day after returning for the beach, we stripped the kids down at the door (6 kids=a lot of sand), put them in their undies and just let them chill for a while. At some point, they started dancing, one of them called it a naked party, and it caught on like wild fire.

It was weird of him to bring it up like it happened just yesterday when I don't think we ever discussed the naked party thing again. It makes me wonder...exactly what kind of crap IS he saying when I'm not there??


Anonymous said...

Every party should be a nekkid party. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

I just lurv how kids can remember details like that. And how it comes out of nowhere at JUST the right moment.

Me said...

Don'tcha just love kids? ;-)

the rural rube said...

I have to agree with the Big Kid here. There is nothing like a naked party. wooohoooo

Ashley said...

I work in a school.. let me tell you, kids say a lot more than you really want them too.

I recently posted some of the best stories that i've heard on my blog.

Anyways, cool blog, i'm glad I found it. I know you must be cool, we share the same name.

so tired said...

If you suspect your mother is reading your blog, she probably already thinks your "a lesbo". So the naked party with "da ladies" should not have surprised her......

So maybe she is not reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

That is so Freakin hillarious! Kids do have a way of remembering random things and bringing them up at the weirdest times.


Judy said...

Out of the mouths of babes...

Unfortunately, I'm sure the Jews are hearing QUITE A BIT more than you realize...I happen to know what all the mommies in my pre-k class wear (or don't wear) to bed...yes, TMI for pre-k!

Anonymous said...

The fiance' and I have naked parties, but we don't usually invite anyone else.

I love the way kids describe the world- I tell people I want to have kids for the laughs...

PINK POPPY said...

So I was a bit apprehensive about logging on today....TRULY did not know what to expect with all the CRAZINESS going on...(entertaining...but CRAZY!) and I was so pleasantly surprised that your back to your wonderful story telling .....that just causes me to wholeheartedly laugh out loud....the amazing tales that you tell~and tell so's like all that ugliness never happened!WU!HOO! Thanks for keeping us all entertained~you have an amazing way with words....sheer enjoyment....Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yep, my now 6 yo dd STILL brings up the time we forgot her at summer camp when she was 4. In our defense, I though dh was getting her and he thought I was. Ahhhh...the memories.

Anonymous said...

Trust DO NOT want to know what he is telling the jews, lol.

My dd told the whole class and the visiting firemen that her mom and dad fought all the time. I only found out because an aquaintance was "helping" the class that day and filled me in. Let me also mention that one of the f-men was a parent to her classmate...Yikes!

For the record....dh and I hardly ever fight, ever. She has also told her teachers that I'm preggo..not the case. We've heard a few other doozy's she tells and some have a little truth to them, others are not even close.

Mom of 5 said...

Do you remember me telling you that Bubba told his teacher that hubby and I were DEAD????? The poor lady almost cried. I always say the kids will be the death of me...but let's not rush things.

Tina said...

OMG! Hilarious! I have been reading for a few days now, got the link from another parenting website (a spinoff board from BBC). I love your style! I voted for you for a bloggie! Woot!

Renee said...

Oh dear. I have been wondering if that naked party thing ever came up again. Of course it had to come up when your mom was around. Classic. I'm afraid this is our fault.....We still have impromptu naked parties around here, usually around bath time or when changing into pajamas. I'm not sure which of my angels came up with that one....but it's a keeper. Do you think your mom is on to us, or did she just think it was some weird thing he came up with? Lol.

-The Renee

Ms. Skywalker said...

Don't worry, Ashley.

The FIA report will have exactly what he's been telling everyone in it.