A few of you are asking who the Chawbacons are. By doing so, you are making it obvious that you haven't read every single word I've ever written, which is a no-no, but I'm sure you're working on it. I'm going to link to my original explanation post RIGHT HERE
Everyone also always wants to know where the name Chawbacon comes from and I don't think I explained it in that other post so I'll do that now too:
When we first met we soon figured out that you could insult anyone by calling them a Rube and they really wouldn't ever get offended, nor would you be banned from Babycenter, so we constantly called each other, and everyone else, rubes. The synonyms for rube were hick, slack jawed hee-haw and chawbacon. The Slack Hawed Hee-Haws was a little wordy, but we instantly loved the word Chawbacon. Besides, there was so much you could do with such a great word.
The word Chawbacon was actually banned from Babycenter for a few months. You couldn't type it without the filters catching it and rejecting your post. This sort of infamy was right up our alley and although it was an inconvenience, we considered it an honor. After a long email exchange with one of the mods, they claimed that it must be an accident (suuuure, awfully convenient accident) and "fixed" it.
We ended up leaving Babycenter for good because you cannot be a group of friends there without everyone hating you. Even if you all state your opinions as individuals, and even if everyone doesn't have same opinion, it is still a "clique" or a "gang". Even if you all are active posters that give your opinion on everything, the second you start a thread congratulating each other on a year of friendship, everyone marches in and starts slinging shit and being angry. There just weren't enough reasons to stay.
So we moved to greener pastures and have lived almost happily ever after (except when we're on the same cycle...then it is time to head for the hills).
After a couple of years, Chawbacon is just too long a word to say all of the time, so we're The Chaws. Also, there is only 13 of us now, instead of the original 15. Don't ask.
So that is the condensed history of The Chaws. Now get to reading the archives people, you'll never pass the final exam if you don't even know who The Chaws are.
mmmm. bacon.
That is hilarious! Babycenter sucks especially with the constant deleting of posts. My "clique" and I started our own board, no fancy names though.
That is hilarious! Babycenter sucks especially with the constant deleting of posts. My "clique" and I started our own board, no fancy names though.
i am also part of a "clique" and made our own board. we were even in gang wars with another "clique" on the same birthboard. they were mad cause we were sexy.
Wouldn't that be the original 16? lol... :) Smoochie-boochies, babydoll.
You know that I wrote #16 right out of Chaw history. Never even happened.
Thanks for 'splainin'. I will be a better reader from now on. I promise.
I just have to figure out how to do that AT WORK.
I heart the Chaws. :)
After reading that other post, I wanna be a Chaw now.
It's so great to have online friends like that. I have a group of my August 2001 mommies that are like that. Love them with all my heart.
When I use to stalk, I mean lurk, on the Aug 06 board, I wanted to be a Chaw but I never posted and now I have no clue what my Babycenter log in is. I think I still have my days til birth counter on my name....damn that kid is WAAAAY overdue now! Since you know I'm a nosey bitch and I'm going to want to ask about the 3 "lost" Chaws!!! I love a good story. What was it, did they have too much back fat? :D (see I really did read the Chaw threads!!)
Smooches, chicky!! You know I love you!
Chaw and proud of it!
Thanks for explaining. I was actually going to ask who they were as well and voila, here is a post about it. However, it cannot be said that I'm not studious. I have been reading the archives under the guise of "working on something" and "researching". I think it's convincing.
Thanks for the link to the explanation. What a heartwarming story!
Props for explaining the chaws. I met (shout out to the Chunkey Mumkeys!) I am blessed with a huge circle of IRL friends, but these girls who I have never laid eyes on (ok, I met 1!) are some of my dearest friends. Raising a toast to "cyber friends", long may our keyboards keep us together!
XOXO This made me get all teary eyed again. Except for the #16 thing. That made me LOL. I love it when you post some Chaw Love out of the blue like this!!
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