Sunday, January 27, 2008


I fixed the "Nothin' Standard About It: Part One" pictures. I'm still not sure what the deal was with that.

Can someone tell me why the hell photos in Blogger don't upload to where you put your cursor? All the copying and pasting and lines of code and blah blah blah. Insanity. The part that sucks most is that I only had one photo left to do and I somehow highlighted and deleted the whole post. I had to 'X' out of it before Blogger auto saved and when I came back it was there, but I had to start from the beginning. Major suckage.

So if you didn't see before, go look. If they stay up there I'll finish part two really soon. I swear. As soon as you vote.


Melissa said...

I HATE how the pictures don't go where the cursor is! Drives me insane!

Anonymous said...

OR you could just drop and drag your photo wherever you want it to go. That's what I do.

No copying of codes necessary.

Either way. . .

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, when you accidently delete something control Z will undo. But for some reason in blogger you have to hit ctr z *quick*.

I'm just here to help.

Hippie at Heart said...

Ashley, I've been enjoying your blog for a few months now & I'm one of your "undesirables" who lurk & never comment. I know, I know. (If it's any consolation I am confident I was one of the first to vote for you so I'm doin' my part.)

After seeing tonight's blog the graphic designer/geeky mom in me is nodding her head in agreement with you. I cannot for the life of me understand why they make blogging so difficult for even the expert to accomplish. It should be easier.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so much better with the pictures. That place is freaking awesome, they would have had to drag me kicking and screaming back to my children!


Anonymous said...

Sheesh! I am so behind. I leave for a weekend and missed so much drama. 42 comments?! This must be good.

Jamie P said...

Sigh. Ashley, it is sweeps week and I wake up and do not find a new post? Don't even try giving me that crap about spending time with your kids. We know you are too busy online and having wild sex to do that. Give little kid something dangerous to play with and BLOG! ;)

Anonymous said...

That's one (of the many) reason I left Blogger for Typepad. Drove me nuts to always have to move the pictures. Typepad drops them EXACTLY where you want! LOVE IT!

Donna. W said...

That picture thing bothers me about Blogger, too. I went to Blogger because it looked more and more like AOL was going to go belly-up. Now I'm stuck with two blogs, wishing I'd chosen Wordpress, but not wanting to move, lest I lose some of my readers. If I went to Wordpress I'd have to keep up THREE blogs.