Thursday, January 24, 2008


and while we're talking about how evil I am, I feel the need to confess that I am no longer Bento-ing. Someone commented a while ago and wanted tips on it.

I'm pretty sure I confessed when I started that it would probably last no longer than a month. That is my general time frame for an obsession, before it putters out into obscurity.

Sure enough, Big Kid had to tell The Jews that he was still hungry after lunch. Totally embarrassing. I can't be bothered to Bento even more food, besides, it doesn't even all fit in the box, so it isn't officially Bento anymore.

He can just eat a regular sandwich. Like the kids whose moms don't love them.

(I still haven't written that post, it is 2:08am!! See why I don't make promises??)

1 comment:

Carrie @carrieloves said... would probably last no longer than a month. That is my general time frame for an obsession, before it putters out into obscurity.

I hear you!