Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Broken Birds

little kid just managed to get a hold of my sweet little white porcelain bird shaped salt shaker and he threw it to the ground, shattering it into 9 million pieces.

It just makes me want to cry. It's only half of a stupid $10 salt and pepper shaker set but DAMN. I remember feeling guilty when I bought them, but they were just so lovely sitting on my big farm house style dining room table that I appreciated them every time I looked at them and was so glad I splurged on something that seemed sort of silly at the time.

I don't think they even made it 6 months.

All my beautiful spring stuff? The pastel eggs and nests and sweet little birds? Locked up in the half painted hutch, which is half painted because I can't do it when he's awake and can't do it at night because it's too dark, leaving me very little time to do it.

UGH. This kid.

I have no idea how to get the message across to him that the whole house is not his playground. That some of this stuff is mine and I don't want it catapulted off of the back deck. That if I find my Ove Glove in the planter out back one more time I'm going to scream.

I just want a couple of nice things. Nothing even expensive or extravagant. I don't even dare display my pottery collection the way I'd like, because of the impracticality of that and little kid.

But a salt and pepper shaker? That should've been fine.


Anonymous said...

I have 2 boys and feel your pain! I look at all of Nester's cool stuff and think- "I'm out of high-up spots to put anything like that." Even then, it would last 2.3 seconds in my house.
Ridiculous...What age is too early for military school?

Maddness of Me said...

I have that problem... but it's with my cat.

I had a ceramic candle holder that I cherished that he knocked off the shelf and busted.

I couldn't replace it anymore at the manufacturer... BUT

I know you hate eBay...

but I found it on eBay.

It's that kindof stuff that I keep eBay in the back of my mind for.

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you to get that goat!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. That sucks. I have a little destructo, too.

Anonymous said...

oooh and museum glue for your larger items...it's what they put at the base of sculptures in museums so people can't knock them over. It's awesome!! I think you can even find it at Bed Bath and Beyond now...just a thought--maybe you could put museum glue on his butt and stick him somewhere. mmmm

Anonymous said...

OOOOH, GREAT idea, Catfish!!!!!!

AFRo said...

Hang in there girl. I don't think it gets much better though. I tore up my mom's bean pot when I was 22, the only difference between me and little kid was that I hid it for almost a year before I finally fessed up.

Anonymous said...

I found myself shouting at G (my little kid): WHY CAN'T WE HAVE ANYTHING NICE?!?! You know, right after he took every magnet off the refrigerator and ripped up 1/2 of the pictures hanging there.

Flashback to years 1974 - 1992: My mother, shouting "WHY CAN'T WE HAVE ANYTHING NICE?" because my sisters and I were "accidentally" destroying the whole house.

I feel ya, sister. Makes you want to lock them in the basement. For about 15 years.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have had that moment of horror looking in to that little boy face and wondering if that sweet thing you made is really out to get you. Mine is nearly 8 but got the nick name 'destructo boy' by the time he was 2. I promise, promise, promise that it will get somewhat better. I finally realised that my guy is really the most sensitive soul in our family and that all of his destruction was about wanting more of my attention. He still acts mad when he is sad and just this week I have decided that I need to train him like I would train a dog; turn my back on him when he is acting inappropriately and lavish praise when he does good..."you changed the toilet paper roll? Thanks so much!" I should have figured this out years ago but I am slow that way...I really think that he was put in my life to help me figure out male behaviour.

so tired said...

Didn't you say something about a school or something for little kid a while back? Whatever happened with that???

Renee said...

Oh dear - I thought Catfish was going to suggest that you use the museum glue to glue down some nicer things that you didn't want lk to touch. But instead, she suggested that you use it on lk's butt.....lmao. I'm so sorry about the salt shaker. :( That really sucks.

-The Renee

Anonymous said...

I think your little kid and my little kid are long lost twins. I just said the same thing about a Things Remembered frame that was given to me. He murdered it. The cute little eggs that were in a pretty glass vase on the top of the island...as of today DOA. I love my kid to death but if he were the first, he would have been the only. This kid makes me feel like a first time mom sometimes and he is the third. I literally can not leave anything out. I am DCF's poster child for a child proofed home. I even had to lock my freezer. Two years down...sixteen to go.

-Bridget said...

Is this the rite of passage for every parent? Must our children be away at college before we can have nice things in the house again?

Anonymous said...

...that college thing?...they go away, get married (or not), procreate, and then.....there's a 2 yr old grand darling trashing your house........