Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where is little kid?

Dre asked where little kid went, since he was the star of the show for a while around here and lately there has been no mention.

Well, I can't believe I forgot to tell you all this, but Mr. Ashley and I found a school for him! Even better, they said they could take him off of my hands right away.

It's a really cool program and super affordable. It was featured on the news not long ago, here is the clip:

He's really doing great with it, from what I hear.


Anonymous said...

oh that is a hoot!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! You are too freaking much!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus! This, along with Holly's Phen pill, just might be my answer!

Katie Ryan said...

So is the postage pricey? hee, hee

Misty said...


SLC said...

OMG! You are a riot!

Anonymous said...

He'll have a great time there and he'll come back with a rockin' accent...if he comes back, he may want to stay.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

OMG!!!!!!!! Seriously, I almost peed my pants!!!

I have to show Angry Husband that one.

Renee said...

That is soooooooo funny. Thirteen cents an hour....much better than the 300 a week they were paying. Too funny!

-The Renee

Amanda said...

I wonder if they have openings???

Hair Girl said...

That is a riot! I love youtube.

Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT! Hahahaha.

And what an odd video. I'm surprised they're able to get away with it, but it does look economical.

*hoping no mandated reporters named PC are reading this*

Anonymous said...

Dude, I love the Onion! Delightfully offensive!

Melodie said...

Freakin' hilarious!

Suzanne said...

The only thing that would make that school better is if they could put the kids to work in a sweatshop or one of those tech support phone places to offset the cost.... ;)

M said...

Ah, I so needed that today.

Let me know if they have any openings!

Thanks for the laugh :)

Cari Dunn said...

OMG that was sooooooo frigging funny!

Anonymous said...

OMG hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

I love the Onion.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if mine could still fit in an old diaper box...

AFRo said...

I love it... especially in the scroll at the bottom that says, "Researchers have found that owning a cobra greatly increases the risk of cobra attacks." Made me think of Clemsongirl's Duhs.

Joy said...

OMG that is freakin hillarious. but serious is the shipping pricy?