Being the Irish family that we are, we have started some St. Patrick's Day traditions for the kids. Aside from the beer and unnaturally colored food, we do that every day.
Because we are good Irish folk who believe in Leprechauns, they come play tricks on us that we discover throughout St. Patrick's Day. We are generally good people, so the leprechauns only play funny tricks on us, like turning our milk green (food coloring in the bottom of the cup), filling the bathroom with green balloons (mom's late night and hot air), making the toilet water green (yum) and leaving little cauldrons of candy and confetti for them to find.
So today at Joann's I picked up some glittery green top hats to replace the cauldrons this year and some gold and green coins, shamrock necklaces, window clings and crepe paper. It was 50% off and Big Kid will flip at the thought of Leprechauns in the house.
Although I don't approve of Easter being in March, I like it to be in April, I guess I don't get my way (again) this year and we're doing it March 23rd, so I also picked up some plastic eggs (two different types...Big Kid will find the sports ones, little kid will find the sparkly ones and there will be no fighting...until little kid finds a sports one. Damn. I hadn't really considered that. We'll see. I thought I was so smart for a minute there.) and I got a carrot jump rope and some other odds and ends.
little kid will get an art set (that mom got on clearance for .97) and a raincoat, hat and boots (that mom needs for a photography prop) and some fake ducklings (that mom also needs for a photography prop...that Easter Bunny is a cheap bastard) and some candy. Yeah, he's 1 and he's had candy. Call the cops. (I will admit it was the wrong choice...only because I have to lock myself in the bathroom if I even want to think about eating some chocolate).
Big Kid is most likely getting some Christmas presents that Santa Claus "forgot" in the back of my closet. Told ya the Easter Bunny was cheap.
We'll also probably do an Easter craft or two. The inevitable (and messy) egg dying. OMG can you even imagine little kid egg dying? Woo-hoo. That'll be great. Like I wasn't dreading it already.
And probably these Rice Krispie Treat Bird Nests.

If I remember right (and it looks pretty self explanatory, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I do), you make Rice Krispie treats, put some in a bowl, put wax paper on top of it and squish another bowl down in it so it becomes nest shaped and then throw a peep and some malt ball eggs in there.
Big Kid loved this last year. I was thinking about offering to do them with his class? That would be okay if I called it a Spring craft, right? The Jews do Spring Break and about 900 other days in March. I don't know, maybe career day is enough.
I ran into a girl with an Etsy shop elsewhere online and she makes fabric covered pails. I told her that I wanted one made out of the monkey fabric in little kid's room and she knew the line I was talking about and we were able to get something really close and equally adorable:

I was going to get him one that matched Big Kid's personalized pottery barn bucket, but between you and I, I think this is waaaaaay cooler. Plus it'll be cute in his room year round. YAY ME. I mean him. YAY HIM.
little kid will be wearing this:

Please note the matching argyle socks. Sorry 'bout the hand me downs, but I did get him a really cute bucket hat with whales embroidered on it.

I really hope he'll wear it. You never know with him and hats. Goodness that would be cute.
I got the hat at The Children's Place, that's also where I got Big Kid's shorts.

I won't make Big Kid do a sweater vest, although I do love them so.
He'll probably get away with his white polo or one of his button down Cuban styled ones.
And matching argyle socks...because that's how we roll. On Easter. One of the few days of the year I can get away with sweater vests and argyle socks without Mr. Ashley trying to get involved.

And that's why we call him The Lord of Fashion.
I have a whole, good, long post in me about what does look totally lame, and what I better never catch you dressing your kids in and at what age things become no longer acceptable, but we'll save it for another post another day because inevitably someone starts screaming that I'm calling their kid a dork, or chastising me for using the word gay to describe certain fashions, and who has the energy for it tonight?
That picture is too cute!!! I don't think I'll ever be able to get away with dressing a child like that, but I damn sure am going to try!
Thanks for the shout out, Ashley! I did buy extra fabric and I have to tell you...I've sold 4 of the "little kid" sock monkey buckets that you designed. So thanks!
Also, check your e-mail and let me know where to send the cutey cute bucket!
Happy Easter!
I LOVE the sweater vests and matching argyle socks. I only have girls, so I occasionally pick up some of that stuff at TCP and force my nephew to wear it for me. He always looks so cute in it.
Oh, and you could definitely get away with the birds' nests with the Jews. You could always use the blue sugar peeps and tell the kids they're blue birds and not chicks.
Ooooh, me likey that hat! I'm going to buy it for my August baby as well. I need to know though what size you have--our boys seem similar in size (read: Huge). They only have the 12-24 month or 3-4T. My kid won't wear hats or hoods or anything so this should be an intersting battle.
Great pics--Big Kid really works those pastels! I'm sure there's a story here, but have you ever thought about getting them into modeling?
Sweater vests, argyle, plaid shorts? Adorable on the kiddos but I think it would be even funnier if Mr. Ashley was dressed to match. Complete with knee socks.
Love this post. I will get the bucket for my (step) daughter and LOVE the argyle outfit BK has on. He is the cutest ever. You are going to have to beat the girls off him some day (maybe even an occasional boy, not that there is anything wrong with that).
Oh, I do love the sweater vests, too! TG my boys like wearing them and hubby is "metro" enough to appreciate them dressing nicely.
That bucket is the best...but they're sold out! Yay for your friend but boo for me ;) I'll check back, though, because my 3yo neeeeeeeeds one.
Baby Henry is only seven months old and the Mista and I are already duking it out about what he is and isn't allowed to wear... What is up with that??? Love it!
Sold out no longer....order away!
Cutest little guys ever. Love the ensembles.
Why can't BK wear a sweater vest too? My son is seven and although I'm not sure he will be wearing one this year for Easter, I still put him in them all of the time.
But then again, my husband is the Brooks Brothers type and wears sweater vests himself. Of course, he hasn't worn a pale blue argyle one in quite some time.
If I wind up having kids with my current boyfriend (and that is the plan someday after marriage and all that) he will be all for dressing his boys up like that! He did when he was little and loves the look! I'm very lucky!
Those rice crispy treat nests are adorable. I will have to remember them when I need to do Easter stuff someday!
I'm hosting Easter brunch this year. I'll have 23 guests; 1/3 children. Anyobe more cute ideas I can swipe and pass off as my own?
Holy crap Sally...that is overachieving my friend. Let me brainstorm for you, but I am sure we can come up with something. Have you been to Target's $ spot lately? Super cute little buckets and felt bags and sparkly eggs and tiny Disney lunchboxes and cutesy cutesy stuff.
Oh and everyone, sweater vests are NOT off limits for Big Kid way, I love them. He's just always sweating his ass off in them at the egg hunt and both boys in sweater vests may be a little more matchy matchy than I wanted.
But all of you with compliant husbands suck. I had to fight for the pink argyle big time.
Anonymous, I got 18-24 months, I'll let you know how that goes.
Love, Love, Love sweater vest on little guys. Thankfully, no big fighting about it in my house as dh would wear them if he could.
Please do a fashion post....I would love to hear what you think is a go/no go.
No. The Mr. put me on a Target ban. It's all your fault really.
Following the NLP:RD like a good little sheep I pulled out the budget and did a cute little pie chart for the Mr.
He was all impressed until he realized just how big the Target pie was in discretionary spending.
That's what I get for being productive.
As usual the pic of the BK is oh so cute. My hubs had a strict dress code for the kindergartener when he was little. I am a believer in a boy can be way to old to be wearing something, so I would love to hear your thoughts.
Ashley - Please please do a post on appropriate Easter wear for boys...specifically boys that are Big Kid's age. Mine have to go to a wedding with us in two weeks and whatever I buy is going to be the easter outfit too.
I don't understand the concern regarding boys and sweater vests?My Hubby wears them...and so does my Baby Boy. This is truly one of those moments where everyone else gets the joke but you...and you are afraid to ask for clarification.
'splain please?
I didn't think there was a problem with sweater vests, I think she just said Big Kid would be hot. At least I don't think there's a problem since little kid is gonna wear one and Big Kid is wearing a pink one.
Maybe it's the pink the hubs disagrees with?
OK, so instead of paying $60 for the outfit I want I have no bidded on way too many outfits and may end up having spent hundreds on e-bay.
When will I learn?
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