Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Post Your Link

Post your blog link here. You have until the end of Thursday, I guess. You post your link and one sentence describing why people should visit you. Please try to do it like this:


I should have won a Bloggie but Jezebel stole it from me.

No chatter or questions here, you can do that in the next post. Just your link and your sentence.


London said...


I should get a spot because I"m the first responder of course!

Sally said...


I heart the chore whore.

Anonymous said...


I have cute kids (4 of them!) and a cute beagle!

Hello! said...


Tuesdays are always better than Mondays.

Donna. W said...


Everybody needs a grandma with a horse. That'd be me. Not to mention that, in true redneck fashion, I'm about to purchase a USED mobile home. Oh yeah.

Lacy Rose said...


I'm just a rockin' Bloggin' bitch!

Anonymous said...


If you include my linky, you're helping to support a fellow BHB bitch and attention whore, but remember, it's still all about YOU!

Bad Mommy said...


I'm like Peg Bundy... with class.

Angie said...


My blog isn't witty like yours, but my kids could be twins with LK and E-bull.

so tired said...


I like food and alcohol, oh and I have two kids.



'Cause I'm not as funny or interesting as you but losers still need love! ;)

Ami said...


I only have one kiddo, but he's a cutie who sings... and I call him LK, too - but for Little Kahuna. (Visit to find out why.) :)

Elizabeth said...


I hate my husband's ex-wife with a passion only equal to my love for Reese's cups.

Ashley said...


Sugar Britches for blogroll...because my name is Ashley and I have a kid named Cash, nuff said.

Anonymous said...


I'm a super witty, smart-ass, semi-alky mom of two that blogs to save my sanity. ;-)

Unknown said...


Because it's no fun to bitch if no one is listening!

RubiaLala said...


I don't want to forget the funny things my kid does/says and some stuff about my life, too.

Anonymous said...

Because it is much more fun to write when others are reading...

Ashley said...


Because I prove that the cat lady can be hot. =]

The Driftwood Collector said...


I write about (almost) everything that crosses my mind, so please show me some love!

Anonymous said...


I have everything and nothing to say, all at the same time and you know you're dying to read it.

Shannon said...


Because SAHMommydom is lonely enough that I need the validation of millions of strangers reading and commenting on my life. ;o) And because my kids are freaking cute.

Things I May Regret Writing said...


Unemployed and trapped at home with her child; the involuntary SAHM.

Deb said...


I'm not afraid to cuss.

~Gretchen~ said...


you are the one who made me start the damn thing in the first place

Kristin said...


Because I waste way too much time reading your 40 posts a day.

Also, complaining about the in-laws, terrible two's & pregnancy stops me from going insane.

Anonymous said...


Sassy, shoe loving queen of the household waxes poetical about life in a household full of boys including the dog and advises all of us on the treachery of not being FIERCE!

Anonymous said...


We're all at home, together, all the time- bear witness to my going completely crazy...

FunnyGal KAT said...


No kids vying for attention, a bunch of dogs to entertain us, plenty of alcohol to fuel us... we're two gals who like to proclaim (while drinking), "Our moms think we're funny!"

Marie said...


'cause I'm a wannabe! :oP

M said...


Because you can follow my cheating husband saga and realize that Mr. Ashley is pretty fucking awesome. (and I say fuck a lot)

Slacker Mama said...


Because I write about my two cute kids who say and do funny shit.

-Bridget said...


You'll feel better about your life after reading up on my chaotic life with two under two.

Hair Girl said...


I would be hot if I was 4 inches taller, right now I am aging cute with 2 kids!

Anonymous said...


I have incriminating photos of you and will use them if not added.


KatieGirlBlue said...


Because sometimes I don't write about my dog.

Mitch said...


Because this is Ray and Chay's world, we just live in it.

bitty bird said...


Because I said so.

Anonymous said...


The ramblings of a city girl who bought the farm.

Anonymous said...


My knitting blog that will, quite simply, blow your ass out.

Melodie said...


I'm a 30-something SAHM to three beautiful girls who drive me absolutely CRAZY. Thanks to the happy pills, I haven't killed them yet.
I post at least once a day, so sometimes I'm boring, but sometimes I ROCK THE HOUSE!!

Sarahviz said...


I had a mind once. Now I have children.

Anonymous said...


Because four is kicking my ass and I needs love.

Sasha said...


I never have my shit together and am possibly the world's worst mom and hope to make the rest of the world's moms feel better about themselves when they read about my mis-adventures in parenting. Oh, and I like to shop.

Anonymous said...


blog name says it all...i was f'n nuts to have kids.....

Anonymous said...


I live green, I talk dirty, I make stuff.

Heather said...


Because I read your blog at least twice day, love that tell it like it is. I am trying to come out of my comfort zone and do the same :)

Jennifer said...


I'm a bitter bitch who knows how to make a mean cocktail and isn't afraid to chug one or three before 2 pm.

Penguin Moms said...


Because the cure for insanity is buying things we really don't need.

Anonymous said...


Because I'm already on your blogroll. Do I need to fight for it? Because I'm no stranger to the ER. I've broken more bones than I can count. And that was just on prom night.

Denim and Pearls said...


I'm a single, twenty-something who drinks too much coffee, still can't figure out how to deal with her curly hair, talks about boys, makes great Sangria, and has apparently really pissed off Karma, 'cause that bitch keeps attacking her car.

Mad About Plaid Girl said...


You should add me because a new kid on the block needs some love, too....and I'm pretty funny and have some freaking HILARIUS kids...

Yellow Fence said...


We sell cool stuff.

*and I know this isn't a contest, but I'm you're biggest fan!

Lori said...


I need help deciding where to get a tattoo to honor the little man...plus, I'm sure I'll need more advice sooner, as opposed to later :P

ro said...


Because I don't have one...no, not one comment on my super-fabulous, random as hell blog.

Lisa said...


It's not much now, but once I've actually lost 100 pounds, it'll be cool to be able to say you were there in the beginning!

Multislacking Mama said...


Because bitches in Oklahoma are attention whores, too.

Kate said...


Where inappropriateness reigns supreme and where I prove the arguement of nature versus nurture since my midgies are wonderful (except for the satan spawn baby) in spite of my spectacularly inappropriate view on parenting!

k e r r y said...


Because it's never enough - we all want more, more, more!

Maddness of Me said...


The random thoughts of a newly married instant step mother who doesn't have a clue what she is doing.

Leah said...

because there are pictures and everyone likes pictures, right?

Cari Dunn said...


Come see yet another reason to boycott Fisher Price.

Laural Out Loud said...

Working mom and wife trying to find the humor in everyday life, especially now that she can't eat bread.