Saturday, March 22, 2008

Show Your Husband

The Big Dog Quadruped Robot. It can carry 340 pounds and the technology is unbelievably similar to a real 4 legged animal, in all kinds of terrain.

It creeps me out big time, for some reason.


jenn said...

Well, let's just say that I sure as shit don't want to be out hiking and see that coming through the woods at me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nightmares Ashley!

RubiaLala said...

I SWEAR my husband JUST told me about this yesterday and I was like no way! And then here I open your page today and see this saying Show Your Husband, totally hilarious. I called him over and we watched it. That is insane. It has like a mind of it's own the way it figures out how to stay standing when that guy tried to kick it and on the ice and over the concrete block pile. I mean, that's serious AI there. If they make too many, I'm afraid they will take over the human race one day.

Lazy Housewife said...

I'm going to have nightmares about that thing. :S

Anonymous said...

Very unsettling...

Judy said...

That is just creepy!

Anonymous said...

Looks/sounds like a giant fly.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Why does it look like it has spider legs? I don't want to look at this ever again. Creeps me out big time!

Anonymous said...

Scariest fucking thing ever!

Jess said...

Eww! Creepy!

Anonymous said...

that is the scariest fucking shit ever.

Joy said...

That is so screwed up. I agree it sounds like a Giant fly and really is creepy looking

Snooty Primadona said...

Oh my! That is deeply disturbing. Thanks so much for sharing, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that kinda made my skin crawl. But then I started wondering what it would be like to ride one.

I'm thinking in a few years there are gonna be a lot of out of work Sherpas.

Anonymous said...

Creepy but TOTALLY cool.

Momo Fali said...

Wha? Dear God, that thing is unbelievably freaky.