Saturday, March 22, 2008

1.9 Billion

I just saw on my Yahoo front page that Americans spent around $1.9 billion on Easter candy.


Aren't we all broke?

And fat?

Don't get me wrong, some of that $1.9 billion was mine...but now I'm feeling really bad about it.

Can you imagine if instead of Easter candy we were all like, "For Easter let's all get together and give $1.9 billion to feed poor children, k?" how much the world would change in one fell swoop??

It is just astounding to me. I'm thinking this is not what Jesus had in mind for the celebration of His resurrection.


Nikki said...

A.M.E.N.!! I work in the retail industry and am SICKENED by the amount of candy that is bought. Not only as Easter but also at Christmas.

No wonder childhood diabetes is prevelant...we teach them to over indulge.

That being said, I bought books and playdough with one chocolate bunny for each child(3). So the $$ is still spent.

Melodie said...

So far, I've only spent about $5.00, but I haven't finished shopping yet because I'm a procrastinator like that.

Anonymous said...

I didn't buy any this year because MIL more than chipped in her fair share of that dollar amount. EYEROLL

Then I get to be the Wicked Witch of Easter and say no and hide it until it ultimately goes to waste.

That really is absurd, and not at all what Jesus would do.

Anonymous said...

I think I did buy 3 bags of Reese's eggs but those aren't available all year and they are my favorite!

RubiaLala said...

I wish we did do stuff like that because you and I might feel poor but as you see when we put our pennies together it adds up to a lot. It's really sad that the US can't get ourselves together to do something like that.

The Driftwood Collector said...

It is just astounding to me. I'm thinking this is not what Jesus had in mind for the celebration of His resurrection.

Exactly. We tried to emphasize the whole "Jesus thing" with Big Girl this year. Not sure how successful we were, but at least when listing off all of the people she loves, she now includes Jesus.

Elizabeth said...

Ya know, you make a good point. I'm kinda ashamed of my part in that giant number. Ugh.