Friday, April 4, 2008

Anatomy ala Big Kid

Gulls dest got boobies and boys dest got nickles.


Multislacking Mama said...

Nickles! That's what I'm calling them from now on! Funny BK.


Melodie said...

I laughed so hard at that, I practically sent myself into a full blown asthma attack!

Mom of 5 said...

Bubba told me that it was too bad that his sister didn't have balls to play with in the bathtub, because girls had boobies.

You never know WHAT is going to come out of their mouths.

Ashley said...

Around our house boys have penises and girls have giants.

Mitch said...

At our house the boy's penis is called Bull. Why he started calling it that I have no idea.

FunnyGal KAT said...

And now we know! That Big Kid is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Sweeeet Niblets!

Deb said...

And later in life, they use all the nickels they saved up to buy the girls with the boobies.

AFRo said...

OMGoodness! That's what my BK has always called them and I still giggle every time I hear it.

Buford Betty said...

Sounds right to me.

Anonymous said...

LOL! My little cousin would walk around saying "Boys have a peanuts, girls have a china." She was totally freaked out when someone mentioned that her toy was made in China. We harrass her endlessly about that and she's 20 now.

Anonymous said...

My oldest use to call them test nickels. LOL