Tuesday, April 1, 2008

resolution revolution

The Renee and I have decided that this year is just going too quickly. The newness of the New Year is already gone. So, there's already pretty much no hope for meeting our resolutions for 2008. It's really senseless to even try, doing so is just setting ourselves up for failure.

So INSTEAD...we're going to plan ahead for 2009.

2009 will be our year! 2008 is just practice. So next year I'll make the bed, throw out all undies I hate, have a shiny sink and look hot in a bikini.

This year I'll just start looking forward to that and toying with some new ideas, tips and techniques to make it easier.

Can I just say what a brilliant plan this is? The pressure is really off now. I have plenty of time to get my shit ready to get it all together next year.

Time to start making those lists.

Well not right NOW, but soon. We've got plenty of time.


AJ said...

Whew! Thank God the pressure is off!!!!

Melodie said...

I am SO there with you! I was just thinking about how we are already a quarter of the way into 2008, and I have yet to accomplish most things on my NYR list. Here's to 2009!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a damn fine plan to me! ;-)

Slacker Mama said...

You and The Renee *are* brilliant. Though I might still do WIOW, just because I like it.

Maybe I'll also stick to the drink suggestions for the other days as well. That way I'm only failing on 1/2 of my resolution...

Unknown said...

So the NLP:RD has kicked the bucket? I'm glad I didn't buy any supplies. I was going to get a glue gun, nail gun and label maker. I know you didn't tell me to buy anything but supplies did seem needed if I were to ever get organized and decorated.

Maybe I should go shopping so I could get ready for 2009?

What a good plan. I'm all about planning and preparing and not doing. This fits me just fine.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Brilliant idea!

Jamie P said...

Just wanted to throw in a quick "Ashley, Ashley, Ashley!" and send you some love :)

Cate said...

Why can I not be you when I grow up? Maybe because I am older. You are the smartest.

dannibanani said...

I'm glad we're just planning on 2009. My resolution was to be nicer to people. It's not going so well. LOL

Renee said...

Oh, I'm so glad we were in agreement on this. I agree with the pp that said we should keep WIOW and the drinking. And I think I will do little things here and there, like you suggested. Try out some new strategies, buy some new supplies. 2009 is going to be MY YEAR!!!

-The Renee

Deb said...

Oh, thank GOD.