Monday, April 14, 2008

I know...

that you're all waiting for me to say something, because that seems to be all you ever do, sit out there and wait for me to do something.

Lord knows you're not working, parenting, or spending that time voting for me in the awards listed in my sidebar. Ahem. Or leaving comments. (don't worry, I'm not about to yell at you again. Yet.)

Anyway, I'm not ignoring you all and I'm not out of things to say, but it will just have to come later because....(drumroll please)

I spent all weekend preparing for New More Relaxed Life Plan: Rough Draft (NMRLP:RD), which starts today, and I'm hoping to keep up the momentum!

So far I've only emailed and instant messaged with friends and caught up on some message boards. But I've got big plans.

WAIT--not true. I called about an art camp downtown for Big Kid this summer (They are fucking crazy if they think I'm paying them that much money. The kid's great grandmother's art has been featured in Architectural Digest, among other places. I'll just dump him off at her house.)

I also called about getting a post office box. (You never know when you all are going to start wanting to send me gifts. Kidding. Kind of. It's business related. But you could send me gifts there too.)

I thought about calling re: a yellow page ad, but I was all called out by then. I did well with both calls though and no one was mean to me.

Wednesday LK is bringing her very pregnant friend over and I'm going to do a belly cast on her and then later do a shoot with the newborn and it. I'm not sure exactly how it will all work, but it should be fun and it means LK and I will most likely spend Wednesday rubbing stuff all over a topless chick.

So I have that as motivation to clean up the aftermath of the great Depression of 2008.

That along with NMRLP: RD, of course. We'll iron out the details of that later, but I like the suggestion of more naps and I'm glad we all agree on the drinking.


Dana said...

RE: NMRLP:RD. I really tried to do the NLP:RD but got a little jealous. And I don't think NMRLP:RD is going to be much better for me. It's the drinking part. I want to drink. Alot. But I'm dealing with this whole pregnancy issue and I just get jealous when I read about all of the progress (drinking) ya'll are making on the NLP. Ugh. I need a drink . . .

Anonymous said...

Okay-so LK is not 'little kid' in this post. Help me out here?


Anonymous said...

ok, its sad but true...I do sit around and wait for you to blog...and I do have children at home, a messy house, multiple pets, etc. that probably need my attention more than your blog does...but they are not nearly as entertaining as you are!


Anonymous said...

Me too Michelle!

jenn said...

I am ROCKING the NMRLP:RD! I managed drag my ass (can we say ass??) to the next town to return my daughter's recalled bike to the bike shop. Then I bought vanilla vodka and amaretto. Mmmm....

I can't say I did any meal planning per se, but I did decide which restaurant we're going to tonight. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

jenn - of course that counts, you planned a meal!

vanilla vodka sounds oh so yummy right now.

Tiffany said...

So far NMRLP:RD is going good here. Today i went to an appt., met some friends at the mall (and bought nothing! YAY), planned lunch and dinner - neither of which my son ate - and even cleaned up my livingroom! I *should* get on the treadmill and do dishes but that can wait cause I have to make a grocery list for tomorrow. Today has been very productive!

Jamie P said...

I always have to re-read things that involve LK because I want to read "little kid". :)

Anonymous said...

Your tags always crack me up! LMAO at this one!

AFRo said...

Email me before you get ready to haggle with the yellow page people. The are fucking vultures, but I have one hardcore rule that I use in dealing with them and it works every time. Last time, I actually got a bigger ad for half the price I'd paid for the year before.
