Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Interesting Historical Information

When we had the haircutting incident, he walked into the room and told us that he didn't cut his hair with scissors in the bathroom, leading me to investigate and realize that he had indeed cut his hair with scissors in the bathroom.

So he has a prior record.


KatBouska said...

I was recently involved in a hair cutting incident. My 2 year old was playing with my hair while I absent mindedly talked on the phone and ignored her.

Next thing I know I feel an extremely sharp tug at the back of my head. I turn to her with a frown that said "what are you doing?? that's too hard!!" and noticed a sharp pair of scissors in her hands.


Elizabeth said...

Big kid....honey.

You can't establish a precedent of the fibbing NOW. No. And your abilities with the lying? Not so good.

A job in the CIA is SO not in your future.

Cate said...

quick go check little kid...make sure the knife is not sticking out his eye.

Jamie P said...

hmmmmm.....Big Kid needs to work on his fibbing......

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't wait to see how the "sword" story evolves. You HAVE to keep us posted.