Did you all hear that whole big deal about bum fights? I guess people were paying the bums to fight each other and then broadcasting it on the internet? Or selling videos or something?
I'm fuzzy on the details, but I'm thinking about arranging something similar with my kids.
It's 9am...and I'm ready to kick both their asses.
But that's not legal, I guess. I think it's okay if you don't leave marks, but you just never know how these Irish boys will bruise up.
So instead, I'm thinking of clearing some space in the middle of the family room, getting out the video camera and telling them to take out their frustrations with each other and life once and for all, no more whining and crying, last man standing gets ice cream.
That's legal, right?
Think I can have a couple of my students do that, and not get fired? I have a couple of kids I would love to nominate...
yea my money is on LK.
Sorry BK, LK is going to kick your butt...he's a no-holds-barred kinda kid.
Filing away for later use . . . only 3.5 months until my LK gets here. Any minimum age suggestions?
I have thought of doing the very same thing!
I think you have the makings of a FANTASTIC reality show on your hands. Do you have any idea how many parents would volunteer their kids??
(My money's on LK for this match...esp. if he knows the prize is ice cream).
Make sure to show us the video! That'll be good old fashion fun!
I want to do that too! mine are 4 and 7 (and one that's almost walking so beware!) and trust me, it only gets worse. lately i've tried to ignore them until someone gets kicked in the head or something like that.
frequent conversation:
"MOOOOM, he hit me!"
"why did you hit him?"
"because he told me to"
For years my friends and I have been joking about starting Baby Fight Club with our little ones.
Oops, I think I just broke the first rule of Baby Fight Club....
LMAO. This is a GREAT idea. Of course it's not illegal.
-The Renee
Not only should this be done AND videotaped but also we should take bets...oh, can I be the bookie?? Odds are on LK
Hubs used to make me watch bum fights all the time.
I like the idea. The next American Idol...
I have a friend who has two boys about 2 years apart, and when they were younger, whew! It was BAD!! One or the other was always sporting a black eye or something. One year for school pictures, the older one had a nice black eye, which his father rushed to inform all of us that it was actually ANOTHER kid at school who did it. (Yeah, we had our doubts, too.) They now have a little sister. Either she is going to be really tough, or they will beat the crap out of everyone for her. Let's just say I wouldn't want to be the kid caught picking on that little girl.
Hmm, I just said this very same thing a few hours before reading you were going to do the same thing. Want to make it a franchise? I'll cover the midwest and you can cover the southeastern states. I've had it with my two and my bets are also on LK. In my house and yours.
We duke it out with Hulk Hands in our house. You should get two pairs. Kids don't even KNOW they're fighting when they're whacking each other around with those things. Heck, HUBBY doesn't even know I want to beat the crap out of him when I'm hitting him with one of those things!
I love the hulk hands! They are so fun to beat someone up with-especially with the added sound effects!
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